How One Direction Saved My Life-(True Story, not a fanfic) Please read

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Yea I don't care if no one reads this, I just needed to get this out. This is a true story. One Direction did save my life, if it weren't for them I probably wouldn't be here.You see, before One Direction came, I was... a very depressed person. I absolutley hated my life, I hated myself, and I hated God for letting me go like this. I felt as though I was abandoned, unloved and that no one cared about me. Everyday seemed dark, even on a sunny day, through my eyes it was always dark. All day, every day I would lock myself in my room and sob, and tell myself horrible things about how I was worthless, I was stupid, and a dissapointment to my family. I would hurt myself and cut myself until I passed out once from the amount of blood I lost. I never told my family, after all, theyve never, ever been there for me. I was depressed because of something that happened to me when I was younger. I always blamed myself, and I never learned to forgive. One night I was at the absolute peak of my depression, and I finally thought I should take my own life by cutting one of my veins too bleed to death. I wanted it to be slow and painfull. I felt that I deserved to suffer. But right before I did it, when the cool metal of the knife rested on the skin of my wrist, a jolt of energy when through me, and I realized something: How selfish I am!! Other people live in worse situations, get beaten or abused every day, starve all the time, and here I am, with a healthy body and a home. A house, and my family. Why did I only care for myself? After that, days were still painful to get through and I was still miserable. And this is where One Direction comes in. Everyone at my school was singing "What Makes You Beautiful" and I was at first like, "ughh. Another boyband. They'll fade just like the Jonas Brothers." One day, I just decided to see the video for myself.

It was love at first sight. That song made me have hope, it made me feel beautiful. So I looked at some of their other songs, learned all their names, and before I knew it, I was in love. So to sum it up, I've been a proud directioner for a year now. They make me laugh, and whenever I'm sad, they make me perk up and feel so happy. Their songs make me feel better about myself and they make me feel as light as air. I guess that's why I 'm so in love with them. So dedicated. And I'll be a directioner till the end. So thank you, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, amd Harry for always being there, always being in love with my all my little things, and for never letting me lose sight of a brighter day. And thank you God for sending them, you answered my prayers. I knew you would come through. You always had. And last but not least, thank you Directioners for being directioners:D -Directioner till the End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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How One Direction Saved My Life-(True Story, not a fanfic) Please readWhere stories live. Discover now