17 |Cupid and Psych|

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Two weeks later we were in our last city, Venice. We decided to go down the west coast of Italy and back up again the east coast so we would be sure we got the most amount of Italy in the least amount of time.

The city was more breathtaking than any pictures I've seen. The water glistened against the sun, the buildings spoke of wonderful history. I couldn't get enough of it really but of course I couldn't look at the water for long.

My Mom's death still haunted me.

Even in Miami I made sure to steer clear of the beach, even if I had to go out of my way to avoid it.

The past two weeks have been the best two weeks of my life though. Marco did as he promised and took me out on a date in every city as well as taking me around for sightseeing. We hadn't slept together again since we were trying our best to take it slow. Marco hated the idea but he was holding on pretty well. We didn't need sex to be happy with each other, it was just a colossal bonus.

"I'll go check us in babe," Marco told me as he stood up to get out of the boat. I managed to meekly agree. I didn't want him to know how truly scared I was of being near the water seeing as how the streets were made out of it. It was our last city in Italy and I didn't want to ruin the amazing trip we've been having so far.

Marco walked into the hotel, leaving me alone in the boat with the driver who didn't speak English as well as he thought he did.

"Look," the man said, pointing to the water beside me.

I hesitantly looked over to where he was pointing to be considerate and I saw a few shimmering fish swimming around the boat. If I were anyone else I would have smiled and engraved the memory into my head, maybe even put my hand in the water to touch them. But I am who I am and when I looked into the water I didn't see my reflection, I saw my mothers.

It wasn't unusual for me to have odd things happen to make like so, especially concerning my Mom's death but it still freaked me out every time it did happen.

I jumped back in surprise and I didn't get a breath of a scream out before the boat rocked dangerously to the left, sending me over board.

Suddenly I was being surrounded by water just as I was when I was younger in the ocean. It's been over a decade since I swam in anything so clearly I forgot how to, not to mention the panic that enveloped my entire body.

I flailed my arms and legs around like a maniac, shouting for someone to help. My panic only made it worse for myself since I was tiring my body out and I knew that but I couldn't stop.

My head kept going under the water than back up again for a small breath before going back down again. It was probably only fifteen seconds being in the water that the panic completely controlled me and I passed out.


I woke up a few minutes later, coughing and spitting up water onto the pier in front of the hotel. Marco was kneeling beside me, his eyes clouded with worry and his whole body dripping wet.

"Are you okay Eliza," he asked quickly. "Can you hear me?"

I nodded my head weakly.

He sighed a breath of relief and pulled me into his strong arms. I held on for dear life because I knew that the only place I was safe was with him.

"It's okay Eliza," he whispered into my ear. "You're safe now."

I clutched him tighter and started to bawl like a maniac into his shoulder. I couldn't get the fear out of my lungs.

I didn't expect Marco or anyone else around to understand what I just went through and how quickly it came on. I suppose I saw my Mom's face because of fear I had already been feeling and I started to panic because it was an automatic feeling for me.

I really hated how sometimes your own mind could betray you in such a horrible way.

Marco began to shout in Italian at the people surrounding us. Some were tourists, others were hotel employees, and a few were random by standers. I didn't need to know his language to know he was cussing them out for not helping me.

I wasn't in the water for long but you think that if you saw a woman screaming and flailing her arms around you would jump in to help her.

I kept my eyes closed as a towel was wrapped around me. Marco stood up with me in his arms crying, still yelling at everyone angrily. I realized his intention when he started to walk to another boat.

"No," I screamed bloody murder, making Marco stop mid-sentence. "Please don't," I begged. "I don't want to go back in one Marco."

He set me down on my feet but had to keep his arms around me to hold me up, my legs felt like jelly. "It's the only way out of the city babe and it's not going to help if you stay here much longer."

"There has to be another way," I cried. "Please Marco."

Marco sighed and picked me up again, marching into the hotel. I didn't open my eyes again until I was sitting on a bed.

"Marco please," I pleaded, grabbing his hands in mine. "I can't get back in one."

Even the thought of getting in another boat terrified me and I felt like I was going to go into panic mode all over again.

"Okay mia regine," he said softly, rubbing my hands. "I'll think of something. Why don't you go get dressed?"

I nodded my head and wobbled over to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and put on a robe instead. When I came back into the room Marco was facing the window while on the phone with someone. He was talking in hushed tones so I decided not to bother him.

I crawled into the bed, indulging in the softness of the blankets and pillows. Marco finally hung up the phone and joined me after taking off all of his wet clothes as well.

He pulled me into his arms and said, "Xander is sending a helicopter for us."

What do you think will happen next??

I know it's short and not very well written but I wanted to give you guys something.

If you want more than go check out my new story Bring Your Own Chick on my page! updates are every day:)

Betraying Marco [Book 2 of the Stavros Series]✔️Where stories live. Discover now