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America, Denmark, Germany, Canada and England were all sat in the living room. They had decided not to fight with each other and try to get along. They felt a need for it. After all, nothing would be solved in the world meetings if they were constantly at each others neck. Everyone had been split into different groups and this was one of them.

America: Who wants to play some Mario Cart?
Denmark: I love Mario Cart! Count me in!
Canada: I'd love to as well. I'll try and beat you this time!
America: We'll see about that, frosty!
England: Well, I must admit, this is much nicer than arguing constantly.
Germany: I agree. For once...

Denmark, America and Canada all competed in Mario Cart and suprisingly, Canada managed to beat both of them!

America: I LOST?!
Canada: Better luck next time, hero.
Denmark: hahahaha! Canadian ownage!
America: Shut up Denmark!
Denmark: Only because you lost. Hahahaha! I'm just teasing. Is there anything else we can play?
America: hhmmmm...not really...
Canada: Hey guys, what's in this box?
Denmark: Not sure. Maby it's a gift? Obviously from Prussia with the flag.
America: Isn't this Prussia's house?
Denmark: It's Prussia, he does weird stuff like that.

Germany: Actually, I think Prussia said something about not opening a certain box. There's something private in it.
America: do know that makes us even more curious right?
Denmark: Plus, wouldn't you like to see what your brother is up to?
Germany: ......True...I probably shouldn't let curiosity get the better of me but... What Prussia doesn't know won't hurt him.
England: Private, eh?...... What could Prussia possibly be hiding from us?
America: Well it's only a lid away guys! C'mon, let's open it!

Canada slowly opened the box to reveal something they never ever thought they'd see. Ever.

Germany and England: !?!.............................
America: ...well then...
Denmark: I didn't know Prussia was into that stuff...
Canada: My gosh Prussia! I knew you were into strange stuff but I was not expecting this!

The box was full of absolutely everything:
Riding crops
The lot...

England: I think we need a word with Prussia when he gets back...

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