Help From The FBI

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The very next morning at 9:00am, Special Agent John Waters of the FBI walks in the front door of the Belton Police Department. Agent Waters is sent to the Chief of Police's office right away. Waiting for Special Agent Waters is Chief Maxwell Brown. Agent Waters insist on starting with the case right away. Chief Brown shows Agent Waters everything they have on the case, and Agent Waters gets to work right away. Agent Waters ask Chief Brown for a list of all the local Walmart employees. Chief Brown gives him that list immediately. As they are doing back ground check on all 84 employees of Walmart, they come across one young man who has a few problems with the law. Jamie Dickson, A 28 year old college graduate, with a bachelors degree in criminal justice. He has been with Walmart for just over seven months, and has only a few minor problems with the law. When we looks at Jamie's fathers criminal record, we notice that he is serving nine years of a life sentence for the murders of six people. And the six killings were very similar to this case. A plastic bag was placed over the head of everyone of his victims, and a number was carved on all of there backs.

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