This New Family

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As I walk up the steps to the big and fanciful mansion, I recap the last couple weeks in my head.

...."Lillianna pack your things."

"Why Ms. Connell?"

"You have just been adopted, a new family in town has come to sign your papers".....

....."Hello dear, I'm Anne Styles. But I guess now you can call me mum!"

"Hello Ms., my name is Lillianna, but you can call me Lilly for short."

"It's great to finally see you in person besides a couple of papers and pictures. I will be here in some weeks to pick you up, alright?".....

I sigh to myself, finishing my last steps and standing infront of the grand doorway. My nerves sending waves of nervousness throughout my body. My stomach was weak.

"Well.... Here goes nothing... My new life right infront of me.." I say to myself quietly. But for some odd reason I can't get myself to open the door.

Questions rush through my mind

"What's if they hate me? What if they return me? What if they're mean and snobby? What if they're never around? What if-"

My thoughts were cut off by the door swinging open and getting attacked by a hug.

"Lilly! It's so nice to see you again! Oh my, look how gorgeous you look! Here, I'll get my husband to get your bags. Robin!

A man came to the door followed by a young woman. The man came up to me and smiles politely.

Anne introduced me to them as Robin Twist and Gemma Styles. My new dad and sister.

Robin spoke "It's nice to finally see you, Lillianna. Let me take your bags."

He picked them all up and carried them in while Anne took me by the hand and led me into the house.

As I look around, I'm amazed. This place is huge. Everything is either marble, silver, or enriched in metals and gold.

"I hope you like the house, I straightened up a bit before your arrival."

Anne's soothing rich British accent comforted me greatly. I felt at home in a matter of minutes.

While looking around, Anne, or mom, showed me around the place. After being showed the living rooms, kitchen, backyard, dining room, pool house, game room, and literally EVERYTHING in between, we got to my room.

Anne stopped me before I opened the door. My eagerness getting he better of me.

"Now before you go in, i just want to say, if there's anything you don't like or don't need, just tell me and i will fix it." She says to me, sweetness in her voice. I look at her and smile. She is already being a great mom, and it's been 2 hours.

I open the door wide and walk in. I almost immediately go into amazement. It's beautiful.

There's a king size bed covered with pillows, bean bag chairs, a dresser full of make up and accessories, a walk-in closet full of clothes and shoes, my own private bathroom, a slow moving chandelier, flat screen tv, a rack full of awesome books and movies, a desk with a laptop, I mean I could go on for days.

"Oh... My g-god." Is all I could choke out.

Anne's voice came in from the back and she hugged me.

"I knew you would like it." She said, a smile in her voice.

I hug back almost immediately, tears in my eyes. This is officially the best day of my life.


First part, should I continue?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2013 ⏰

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