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hi guys!! I changed her best friends name from Evie to Whitley !!

& Rylie is in the media section
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"I occasionally attend church?" He answered as if he was asking a question.

"Sorry, but that's not the same thing," I turned on my heels and walked over to the table where Whitley sat, scrolling through her phone.

He quickly followed behind me, "How so?"

I sighed, taking a seat, "A persons character is shown through their actions in life, not where they sit on Sunday."

"Ok, yeah, but I was raised in a Christian household, I've gone to church my whole life, and I volunteer at church all the time."

"Do you spend time with Jesus?"

"When I have time I do," he sat beside me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, whatever your name is—"

"Nash," he grins sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I give him a tight lipped smile and shake it, "Nash, I don't feel comfortable going out with someone I don't know," I drawled off.

I could feel Whitley's eyes looking back and forth between us.

"We could go to my church and then to the church café for our first date?"

I inhaled deeply, "Where do you go?"

"Church of Christ, it's only a few blocks from here."

"With Pastor Aaron?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "Do you go there?"

I shook my head and laughed, "No, I've seen it on tv. It's very powerful." I said more to myself.

"So will you go?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll go, but church and café only. Nothing more, nothing less."

He held his hands up in surrender, "Absolutely."

"You guys are cute," Whitley grinned, watching us intently.

I rolled my eyes internally, dreading going with him. It's going to be awkward since we don't know each other.

I watched with curiosity when Whitley grabbed Nash's phone when he had turned away and showed it to him once he was paying attention. He smiled, "Thanks," and she nodded, glancing at me occasionally.

I looked down at my phone and checked the time, "Okkkk," I drawled. "well, I've got to get home. My favorite pastor is going to go on Periscope at 8:45 and its 6:15 now so.. deuces." I slowly stood up stretching out my limbs and grabbing my phone off the table. As I waved my hand at Whitley to say 'come on' and she stayed seated.

"Is Xavier gonna be at the party at Cameron's house?" Whitley asked, knowing full well I was trying to get out of sitting awkwardly here with Nash. Well, that and she has this thing for my brother.

Nash looked completely and utterly confused, poor child.

"Xavier's my older brother and Cameron's his best friend who throws parties every other night." I clarified to him, then turned to Whitley. "And yes, Xavier's going out as always, while I stay home and read my Bible while listening to Adara's sermon like a good child of God." I grinned, cupping my hands under my chin to look innocent, which in fact I'm not.

"Do you need a ride?" She asked, getting ready to leave as well.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." I replied.

"Nash, can you take Rylie home, please. I'm trying to make it to Cameron's party on time."

My eyes widened in disbelief at my friend and I quickly turned to Nash, "You don't need to take me I'll walk-"

"I'll give her a ride." He agreed looking at Whitley.

She grinned as I scowled at her. Lord, please fill me with peace before I leap across this table and choke her.

"Really, Nash, I'll be fine to walk." I tried to persuade him.

He shook his head and stood up, pulling his keys out of his pocket, "let's get going. Bye, Whitley. Nice to meet you,"

She smiled and gave me a short hug before I proceeded to follow Nash to his car.

Lord, keep your angels of protection around me.. I don't know him.

He started the car, "so how old are you?"

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