Stolen Dreams

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A welcome breeze swept through Melaina's hair. The sweltering heat of the city below rose to lick her skin. From her perch on the hill overlooking the city, she gazed at the dream energy of the city's inhabitants.

The stars twinkled above her, and the full moon hung heavy. She knew now there was only one way to escape her otherworldly prison.

She rifled through the dreams of the city until she found the woman who dreamed of him.

A smile turned up her lips as she drank in his form through the woman's dream. How she longed to caress him, to let her fingers dance over his body, through his luscious curls.



The woman's eyes widened as she stepped onto the shimmering beach in her silk pajamas. Melaina plastered a smile onto her face to welcome Rachel.

"What is this place?" Rachel asked in wonder.

"A world where dreams come true." Holding out an apple, Melaina added, "Eat this. It will take you to a world of magic that surpasses your dreams. There, you can live forever."

Rachel's eyes narrowed. "I've seen Snow White. It's probably poisoned. No one lives forever."

"They do in Faery."

"Faery," Rachel breathed. "Is that where we are?"

Melaina shook her head. "This is the in-between. Faery is even more breathtaking than this world."

Melaina bit the apple, letting the succulent juices flow over her tongue. She held it out to Rachel to do the same. Rachel eyed it suspiciously. Melaina held her breath. Her plan would fail if Rachel refused to eat the apple of her own free will.

The crunch of apple skin was music to Melaina's ears. She let out a breath. The magic hit her with the force of a drum, ripping her soul to shreds. The pain brought her to her knees as her body tore itself apart. She heard a scream, but whether hers or Rachel's, she didn't know.

At last the pain ebbed, and Melaina stood. She looked down at her body, clothed in silk pajamas. A smile stole over face.

Rachel jumped up. "What have you done?" she screamed.

Melaina ignored her and waltzed out of the dream world.

A hand gripped her shoulder. "Baby, wake up. It's just a dream."

Melaina smiled to herself as she gazed up at the concerned face of the man—her man—hovering over her.

The dreams of others now belonged to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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