Chapter 6.

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-Madison's POV.-
I groaned and woke up to my phone going off , since my last one broke. I got a new iPhone,
The iPhone 6 plus and yes, its huge.
I sat up and clicked the screen on,
It read.
-Big bro calling-
I answered,
(M-Madison, J, jc )
J-"Maddie, did you just get up?"
M-"Yeah so what"
I mumbled through the phone,
J-"Get up and get ready, we are going out with Kian, and Sam today."
Oh great. Just what I fucking needed,
M-"Why the hell do I have to go?"
J-"Cuz as far as I'm concerned, you weren't doing anything today,"
I groaned,
M-"Fine, I'll text you when I'm ready,"
I said annoyed and hung up,
I really didn't wanna go. But Jc is fucking making me.
I sighed a nd got out of bed and got into the shower, after that I slid on my 'pink' leggings and 'love pink' crop top, with black Nikes. Then put my hair into a high pony. Put my mascara and eye liner on and grabbed my phone and texted Jc.
-To Big bro:
"I'm ready."
_seen at 11:34 am_

-From big bro:
"Okay. We are on our way. Btw Sam got sick so it's just me you and kian."

Great. Me and kian. Plus my brother.
Fan fricking tastic.

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