The Babysitter & The Football Boy.

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"Get off, you fattie!" I giggled.

"Fattie? That's the best you have? What grade are we in, huh?" Luke said, acting like he was apalled.

"Shutup. I could say something worse but," I pointed to Lissy, the three year old chewing on her arm. "will repeat it to her momma. And then I will no longer be able to come over to her mommas house and babysit her and her fat brother."

"Luv, I assure you, this isn't fat." He poked his own stomach. "It's hardcore muscle."

"Hardcore, Schmardcore. You're heavy. So, get you're fat butt up." I poked his side and he jumped.

"You're ticklish?" I asked. I wiggled my fingers at him. "Oh, you better get up before some real trouble happens."

He jumped up. "Settle down now, I don't know where those fingers have been!"

"Oh, you don't want to know, mister!" We both fell off the bed laughing.

"Hahahaha!" said Lissy.

"Can you not tell a facetious joke in front of my little, innocent, sister? Or is that physically impossible?"

"Of course it's possible. I can say a clean joke anytime."

"Do it then!" He challenged.

"Fine... Umm. It must take a giraffe a long time to throw up, right? Riiiiight?" I smiled, and nudged him with my elbow.

"That was more stupid than funny. Try again."

 "Why am I doing this again?" I inquired. I really wasn't sure.

"Because you love me uncontrollably?" He said, smiling.

"Lets go with that. And I have to get going now. Your madre just pulled in the driveway." It was true, her small Jeep pulled into the driveway of the Razons house.

"Stay. Lets have a sleepover." He smiled.

"If anyones going to have a sleepover, it'll be me and Lissy." I smiled.

Luke frowned. "That's not what I meant... at all."

I was putting on my purple scarf over my gray tank and black cardigan. "Sorry, Lissys just better looking." I walked over to Lissy and kissed the top of her blonde curls.

"So, you like them young now? 14 years younger then you? You know next year that will be illegal." He pointed out.

"Fine, I guess I'll just stick with her brother." I winked. "Bye, Luke."

"Bye, Elli."

I looked a Luke for a second. Taking in his dark, brown eyes, his blondish-brownish surfer boy hair that always hung in his eyes, and his smirk always worn on his face. He was handsome, even cute. I was so lucky.

"What are you staring at?" he asked, looking at me.

"Oh, nothing. I'm going to leave before your mother comes up." His mother was okay, but very controlling. She often told me what to do, how to do it. She always left a list of things to play with/ do with Lissy on the fridge when I babysat. And she always wrote on the list;

Do NOT talk to Luke. He will be studying.

When, of course, Luke didnt need to study. He didnt exactly have a 4.0, but he was still high up there. And Luke always hung out with me. We would pop in a movie (Usually age-apropriate for Lissys sake. But sometimes, we popped in a Paranormal Activity, or Pirates of the Carribean.) and shared a huge bowl of popcorn, snuggled in eachothers arms.

I heard Mrs. Matthews walking up the stairs. "I'm going now. Bye Lissy!," I walked up to Luke and gave him a hug. "Bye Luke."

I waited until Mrs. Matthews went to her room, then I sprinted downstairs, took the babysitting money off the counter, and ran nextdoor to my house.

My house was simple; a two story house, the bottom an at-home drug store. The bottom was entirely made out of bullet-proof glass, the top an ordinary looking house; Blue shingled roof, blue shutters, and baby blue paint.

I opened the shop door with my keys, and put my bag on the checkout counter. I was dead tired. It was close to 9, so it meant I babysat Lissy for about four hours, and I got only a two hours worth of pay. I may like Luke and Lissy, but their mother was a cheapskate. I sighed and went up to my room.

It was simple and bare. All that was in there was a bed, a futon, and a dresser. I fell right asleep on the bed, not bothering to shut the door or turn off the light.


eeeeeh, new book thing i'm working on. i don't have a cover yet- too lazy to make one. :|

i dunno if i like it or not- lets see how things play out ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2011 ⏰

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