Chapter 4: Satoruns

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                “Dr. Alys? What are you doing here?”

                “We have to get Rose out of here.”

                “What, wait, she just got ----“

                “I will explain later.” Dr. Alys grabbed the heart monitor silencing it before it could sound its alarm. “Wake her up. We’re going need her to hobble to the wheelchair.”

                “Rose, rose, rose.” Winter gently patted her face. She groaned and whimpered but when she saw Dr. Alys, she nodded and forced herself up. Winter helped slowly and gently this time, guide her to the chair. Dr. Alys nodded at the two of them quietly pointing left.

                “Run.” All she heard Dr. Alys say as she ran in the opposite direction. Winter raced toward the exit signs. The doors were chained.

                “What the..” Winter groaned her lungs struggled for air as they passed every locked door.

                “My gun, Winter, grab it.” Rose lifted her left arm.

                “They took it.” Winter saw something flick on Rose’s bracelet.  She slid into an empty waiting area.  She pressed her finger into the glittery piece, altered into a small hand gun. She peaked out into the hallway. She could not hear anything. So she started moving Rose when she heard crashing.

                “Run.” Rose shouted. As they made it through the hallway they crashed into someone hunched by some doors.

                “Good, I won’t have to worry about them killing me. Just some fucking dumbasses.” The voice – the nurse from earlier turned to glare at the two of them, “This is all your fault isn’t it? I knew those wounds weren’t gun wounds. “

                “We’re being chased. You have got to come with us.” Winter’s voice shook as she looked behind her, “We need to get out of the building to meet up with our Doctor.”

                The woman didn’t protest – mainly because a large crashing sounded, shaking the floor. She waved the two women toward what she believed the best way to get out.

Those who were in the hospital still had the doors barricaded, however, everything on the bottom floors were unoccupied. The hallway below was filled with blood.

                Before the thoughts could form, limbs and other things she preferred not to think of were scattered across the rest of the bottom half. The nurse kept  staring at the top of the walls, only looking down when making sure things were clear to run.

                “I’ll go grab my van.” The words came from the nurse just seconds ago. Standing there in anticipation it felt longer. The small gun in her hands shook as she kept it aimed at the hallway behind them. Thankfully, it seems their enemy was lost.

                “Satorun, when one comes, they all swarm. They are roaches.” Rose eked struggling to stay in the wheelchair.

“I should have helped.” Winter sighed. Her focus still mostly on the hallway.

“you were right, this isn’t something you decided. It just happened. You didn’t agree to gatekeeper, I asked, and just assumed ---“

“C’mon.” The nurse waved. A small car veered into the parking lot. The familiar tall woman slammed onto her breaks, pulling out what looked to some sort of ---

“You Just Killed the Nurse”

“She wasn’t human.” Dr. Alys replied as the two women jumped in.

 +                                         +                                                                +

Winter felt frozen against the door. She just watched a woman drop in front of her. The person who killed her was speeding down the b.a expressway to god only knows where. She did not bother to look up or ask. She did not feel a threat or anyone chasing them, and sure as hell did not get how no police have yet to see them.

                “Lotkinor’s first day on the job and you already suck at it.” Dr. Alys tried to joke as they pulled onto a residential road.

                “I haven’t even agreed to the job –“

                “Never mind, we need to get her out of the car.”

                It was a very small car for how tall Dr. Alys was, so she was curious if the woman stole it. Thankfully, she was not very tall and was able to bend down to help pull Rose out of the vehicle. Dr. Alys took hold once she was out, and Winter took hold of her legs. The neighborhood was quiet, no traffic, no lights on.

When they got in, the house barely took a breath. The only noise from the house was their feet falling against the old wooden floors and Rose’s cries for them to just shoot her already.  Dr. Alys pointed her to a large dark spot in the corner, she felt as if she needed to walk quietly – afrad to awake whatever it was she feared. She clumsily touched it, a cot, and snapped it down so that Dr. Alys could place Rose on it.

“What is this place?”

“A safe-house. It’s just out of Tulsa.”  

With that she had the feeling she was never to know where exactly they were.  Dr. Alys moved and worked on Rose made her not question any further – they weren’t going to stay here long.

“You need to get her to Oklahoma City.” Rose gasped. “There is a Lotkinor woman there.”

“What about the gate? I don’t actually own that house – it’s being rented, if he comes in when there is an alien...”

“You don’t have to worry about the house, your landlord already is aware.”

                “He’s one of you?”

                “Actually, no, he’s from the sister planet of Lotkinor. It’s why he was fine with agreeing to rent to you.”

                “Those Satoruns were then in fact targeting us.” The doctor ran some gel against Rose’s stomach causing her to writhe in pain. The woman held back the screams while they watched. Winter had to turn away and Dr.  Alys kept working.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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