Sing Me A Song.

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_Olivia's POV_

"Teardrops fall down my face, uncertain whether im in the right place.

 Wanting to be with you, Knowing that wont happen.

 Kissing your posters, wishing it was real."

Hmmm....i guess thats a start hah! I loved being in the studio, it was the one place i could be the real Olivia. I loved being me but sometimes it was complicated, with people wanting me to act a certain way, talk a certain way, look a certain was hard to be me. When i dreamt of being a singer i thought more about...being me. Olivia Campbell the kind,loud,kettle chip loving girl not the sassy mean Olivia, going more by the name of Olly!

I got up and walked towards my flat to find my land lord...

Suzana~Ahem...Miss Campbell?

Olivia~Yeppp, thats me.

Suzana~ Im sorry this is probably a shock cannot live here any longer. There is 1 of you and 3 bedrooms, a family could live here. Sorry for the short notice but i couldnt get hold of you all day.

Olivia~ W...what!? I AM HOMELESS NOW THANKS!!! Me and my dog are homeless....what am i going to do!!!


I was ready to kill her, just as i thought my life was perfect my land lord tells me to leave! I guess i could ask Rachel if i could stay at hers for a little while....

_Olivia :)_: Hiyaaa, well just got kicked out of my you have any room for me and Muffin??

_Rachel <3_: SURE!!!!! Get cha but over here noww :D!!! got a bed and cupboards and all in it just bring Muffins dog bed ha!!xo

_Olivia :)_: THANK YOU!!!!!!! WUV YOUUUU!!!! See you in a fewwww!!! <3 xo

_Rachel <3_: Okayyyyy dennn!!! <3 xox

THANK THE CARROT KING!!!! I LOVE THEIR APARTMENT!!!v its like heaven but....better if thats possible??? I couldnt be more thankful but i felt as if i was invading their privacy....ahh well who cares aha. I picked up Muffin and drove to my 'new home'


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