4. Party over!

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So there's some Love and hurtin up in this!

- Mwaah💋

🔮Roc's House🔮

You- Wow this house is Dope tho!

Roc- Glad you could make it!( hugs you) Wow you look stunning.😋👌

you-( blushes) thank you! how could I miss the party?

roc- I'm just glad you're here.

You-( smiles)

Roc- I want you to meet my friends.

you- ok!

roc-( he grabs your hand and guides you to a table)Y'all this is Peyton!

people- oh wassup!

You- hi.

roc- this Jacob( points to prince) that's Rayan(points to RayRay) and he's Craig( points to prodigy)

boys- wassup

you-( laughs)wanna meet my friends?

roc-(laughs) sure

you-(takes his hand and guides him to Mia& Lyric)

You-(taps lyrics & Mia's shoulder) hey girls this is Chresanto

roc- oh wassup( winks at them)

Mia&Lyric- Hey(giggling)

you-This is Mia( points to Mia) and Lyric( points to lyric)

roc-( smiles) nice to meet y'all. Y'all should get acquainted with the boys( points over to Prod, Prince,and Ray)

You-bye y'all

lyric-( smiling) bye

You- ( turns around) You have a really beautiful home

Roc- it mostly be me alone and my godmom shes like my mom.my mom is a world journalist.

You- that's a really cool job tho.

Roc- Yea. Want something to Drink?

You- Maybe later

Roc - ( smiles) ok


Roc- what?

You- I love your smile.

Roc- well thank you.

🎶Lemme See comes on🎶

Roc- Oo this my song

You-Really mines too

Roc- Lets go Dance!( grabs your hand)

You- Nooo! I don't know how!

Roc- well I show you( winks at you)

you- oh. okay(bites your bottom lip)

Roc-( smirks then goes behind you)

Just let the moves flow out

You-(breathes in) O- o-ok

roc-( laughing) why you tense? just relax(traces his hands on your hips)

You-(slowly starts dancing)

roc- there you go.( smiling)



you-( turns around to face him) what?

Roc- your smile is beautiful.

you- (smiles) thank you!

Roc-(leans towards you)

you-( leans Towards Him)



???-So you gone cheat on me with this bitch?


party-oh shit🙊

Roc- Zaria chill ain't nobody cheating on you

Zaria- looks like it.

You- I'm still stuck on the bitch part

Zaria- what you gone do?( gets in your face)

you-( makes a face) eww your breath stinks

Zaria- (pushes you)


Zaria- I thought I told you to stay away

You-(punches her)


You-(gets on top of her) And I said Talk to me like that again or we gone gave a problem

Zaria-(tries to punch you)

You-(slaps her in her temple)

Zaria-(blacks out)


Roc-(calls ambulance )

Mia&lyric-(runs to you) dang Peyton

you got an arm


Roc-Party Over!

party-( leaves)

You-(bout to leave)

Roc-(grabs your arm) Peyton.

You-(half sleepy)hmm

Roc-you're too buzzed you need to stay.

you- ok

Zaria got knocked the Duck Out!!!!😂


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