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Two girls sit next to each other on a gold colored couch. One girl a brunette is reading an overly large book and the other has a smaller herbology book.

The brunette looks up, "Sorry, I guess we forgot to introduce ourselves," She pokes the other girl, "Alex. You go first."

"Ok, I am Alex Silver Cauldron, My parents run the Leaky Cauldron. I have a pet owl and cat. I love cats alot and I love herbology ALOT. I am an animagus," she then makes a shushing motion, "Also never EVER give Harmony Chocol-"

"That's enough now, Alex. I'm Harmony Melody Greene, I'm a half blood, my father works in the Britsh government and he is a wizard so he goes in between the two governments. Its easier I guess. My mom left me and my dad when I was really young so I'm a daddy's girl. I am an all O student, I have all advanced courses and during the summer I take muggle subjects as a summer school. Also I cannot fly for the life of me. If you even try you will fail. Oh, I have a pet barn owl named Crystal Roc-"

"I think that's enough Mel. Gez and you though- Uh whatever. Oh, were both Hufflepuffs!" Alex interjected.

"Um, I think that's it. Leave comments if you have any questions about us!" Harmony regained the peverbial limelight so to speak. Alex then stood up and yelled, "Stay Puffsome!"

Harmony pulled at the dirty blonde's arm and She, Alex, sat back down. The brunette then began to read the book once more.


Hey, this is a new book yes. I guess that I've been really skipping out on writing with you guys and I don't think its fair. There is an easter egg in this part. If you can find it, I will give you a dedication and a part in this story, whether it be a character or you get to choose what will happen one chapter.
Also I felt like I needed to go more into Harmony and my friend Autumn whose character is Alex is coming over today so, I thought why not. Also if you haven't looked already go check out another new story of mine, The Life and Lies of an Ex-Spy. Its really good in my opinion but that's like asking your mom if you look good and she says you do. Its a moms obligation.

Stay awesome you guys and never forget that if you need someone to talk to then I am happy to hear your troubles and to help. Wow that just got deep really fast, also if you just need someone to bounce Ideas off of I'd love to.


Harmony G.

The Unfortunate Tales of Alex and HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now