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I gave Regina her money and she ran out the door dragging the suitcase with her little lover behind her.

Mina sat in the chair looking scared. Tears ran down her face like a sad puppy.

"Oh my sweet YaMina. Look at you. Tst, tst, tst. You should've just let Jet be mine-".

"I don't even know who you are or Jet. Please just let me go". I rolled my eyes.

"Don't play dumb. You took him from me and now you're gonna die. Real slowly though".

I took the duct tape and started at her mouth and worked my way around her head. I left her nose out though she needs to able to breath atleast. You can't die slow if you if you already died from suffocation.

I heard a noise.

"What was that?". I put my hand behind my ear and leaned in. "Oh that's right I can't here you through all that tape".

I plugged my phone into the speaker and played some music.

"Which one do I wanna start off with?" I danced my way to the tray of toys and picked up this bottle of acid I just got.

You can find anything on EBay.

I swirled it around and took the lid off and gave it a quick sniff.

"I love the smell of evil in the morning". I laughed. Boy I am funny.

I went to pour out on her when my phone rang.

It was this girl I met a few days ago at a nail salon. She was actually really cool. I could see us being best friends. I got feelings for her.

I paused the music before answering. "Hey Tahja".

"Hey are we still going shopping?".

"Oh yeah I forgot. What time you want me to be there?" I put the bottle down and scratched

"I'm actually here now I kinda got a head start on the shopping. Sorry".

"Girl its fine. I'll be there in about five minutes since my house is around the corner".

"Okay girl. Bye."

"Bye". I hung up and put the acid back down and put my phone in my back pocket.

I grabbed two knifes and raised my arms and stabbed her in the thighs.

I had her taped down to that chair so good that she couldn't even move a muscle.
Muffled screamed came from her and I smiled. I left the knifes there and gave her a good punch. I kept going till the chair knocked over.

I crouched over her since I saw her shirt flew up.

Bandages were wrapped around her torso.

Broken ribs?

I slapped her side and she yelped.

I smiled and stood back up.

"I'll be back soon. Don't wait up". I turned the temperature up to 110° on the space heater before leaving the basement.

Symptoms of heat stroke are dizziness, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, and the list goes on.

Can you imagine throwing up and can't open because your mouth is covered with duct tape? Or shitting uncontrollably and there's no way to stop it?

She'll be alright.

A month later....

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