Cimmerian Rumors

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Trinity is on a mission to find her family. While traveling, she's pursued by not only the Regime, but the Schism as well. A mysterious soldier also manages to find her in the middle of nowhere. Will Trinity ever be reunited with her mother and siblings? Or will she be sucummbed to torture? And will she finally choose a side-Regime, or Schism?


            "There are rumors of the Cimmerian girl,"

           "And?" I tapped my foot impatiently. "I need to know this why?"

            "She's now your assignment," I turned to look at the Commander, my eyebrows raised high. He looked thoughtfully back at me. "It's your job to lead her back here, with her full trust in you. Can you do it?"

            "With all due respect Commander, it's not a question of can, but when," He nodded, searching my face for any indiscretion, but apparently finding none.

            "Go find Lt. Barker. He'll inform you of all mission procedures and details," the Commander instructed.

            "Sir!" I saluted him and began to leave the room, but not before he stopped me.

            "And soldier?" I turned around and he locked eyes with me, as if daring me to disagree with anything he said, or was about to say. "It's all riding on this," He nodded gravely and dismissed me.



             The darkness was relaxing, the moonlight soft on my face and the cricket's chirping a familiar sound in a strange place. It had been six months since I had escaped from the bowels of Chicago, which was currently under the reign of Director Rawlins, who rules over all of North and South America.

            What a joke.

            After managing to grow a brain a few years back, I started sneaking out at night to wander the city, learning a lot of new tricks in the process.

            The rebellion was in full swing, which was impressive since the Director knew absolutely nothing about it. With all resources under strict management, and electricity and power being regulated only to the highest officials, messengers had become common. Unfortunately for the rebellion, messengers were also easily bribed. Fortunately for the rebellion, I wasn't planning on telling the government anything.

            Here's the deal. In 2030, humans found the technology to dig farther into the core of the earth than ever before. However, unlike before, they didn't like what they found.

            Humans found Cimmera.

            Cimmera is the city beneath the surface of the earth. Humans then found that Cimmerians could easily destroy them, and decided to use nuclear bombs on our city, which, by the way, is roughly the size of the largest human continent.

            Basically, they killed a bunch of us, pissed us off, and rendered our lands useless. So, the Cimmerians decided to come up to the surface to live until the effects of the bombs had faded.

            That pissed all the humans off, because there wasn't anywhere to put us all, so WWIII started, but instead of humans raging against each other, they raged against Cimmerians.

            However, Cimmerians are a lot tougher than the average human, and the war was finished in about a year.

            Cimmerians overthrew all the governments in a matter of a few years after the war, and replaced them with the Regime. As you can tell, Cimmerians must be pretty special to have done all that. Or they're just sick beings who need to be put down. I haven't decided yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2013 ⏰

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