Midorima: One

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When he woke up that morning, he just knew that something was different. After getting up, showering and dressing, Midorima checked Oha Asa and his frown deepened when he discovered that Cancer ranked as the luckiest of all the signs today. He was pleased, naturally, and immediately went to his collection to get his lucky item for the day but he didn't like how the predictions didn't help explain this feeling of unease he felt in the pit of his stomach.

Midorima sets his lucky item on the counter in the kitchen before he prepares his breakfast and sits. He eats slowly, feeling very awkward and out of place despite his sign having a good day. He rereads the horoscope three times but doesn't understand how any of it could explain what this feeling was about.

Luckiest of all the signs. A good day for money and love. Lucky item is a rubber duck.

It was when he entered the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth that Midorima spots it.

On his neck, there it was. His mark, there was no mistaking it. It was three shades darker than his skin and the shape isn't a natural one at all. It looks like an upside-down child's potty or a booster step for a kid.

Midorima's eyebrows knit together, confused. He doesn't want his soulmate. Isn't the mark meant to only appear when he and his 'soulmate' are ready to be together? He doesn't feel ready to be in a relationship.

Something must be wrong. It shouldn't have appeared yet. He didn't magically become willing and ready for a romantic relationship over night! ...Did he?

Panic settles in the pit of Midorima's stomach and before he can properly register what exactly he's doing, he's got his mobile in his hand and is calling his mother.

Midrorima may not seem like the type to go running to his mother but he usually isn't but this... this is something that he doesn't have any idea how to handle. So he felt no shame in panicking and contacting his mother (it wasn't like anyone would know that he called her two minutes after discovering his mark, anyway...).

"Shintaro?" comes a tired voice through the phone speaker.

Midorima bites his lip, a flash of guilt showing across his face at the thought of waking his mother. He's a mummy's boy, what can he say? Besides, it's not as if anyone was here... Not that he has a problem with people knowing he loves his mother. It's just embarrassing.

"Mother... I have a question."

"It must be important for you to call so early. Don't you need to be at school soon?" She asks and Midorima can hear rustling of covers as she gets out of bed.

She would be alone, his father already left for work. Midorima was calmed by that fact, having had too many embarrassing moments where Kise or Takao put him on loudspeaker with lots of people around.

"When your... mark appeared... did you feel any different? Did you feel ready?" He questions, voice trailing off slightly.

She isn't stupid. Midorima knows that she'll understand why he's-

"You got your mark?! Oh, sweetie! I'm so proud of you! Tell me, what shape is it? Do you think you know the person it relates to you?" Her tone immediately goes from sleepy to excited and Midorima instantly regrets the decision he made to phone... Okay, so maybe it does make him a little bit happy to hear his mother is happy.

"It's... It looks like a step."

"A step?" Her confusion is evident.

"Like something a child would use to reach a shelf. I think that's what it's meant to be."

"Perhaps your soulmate is much shorter than you but that's hardly a surprise. I'm sure the step will become something significant between you and your soulmate."

There's a pause and then Midorima blurts "I don't feel ready."

After a moment, his mother laughs gently. "Neither did I, Shintaro. But when you meet them, I'm sure you won't feel that way anymore. The mark appears when you're ready. You acknowledging the fact you want to be in a relationship may not occur for some time."

"All right. I... Thank you, mother."

"You're welcome. Now, go get ready for school. When you meet them, let me know. I want to know everything. Promise me you'll call so we can all arrange to meet once you've settled."

"It could be years before I meet her, mother." Midorima sighs, trying his best to not sound hopeful.

"Or it could be hours. You don't know-"

"I need to go." He interrupts her, not only because he doesn't want to hear what she wants to say but also because he does need to go.

"Oh!" She laughs. "Of course. I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"I love you too, mother..." He mumbles, embarrassed.

She laughs again before hanging up.

Sighing once again, Midorima lifts a hand to his neck, rubbing the spot where his mark is. Why is this happening? He asks himself, letting his eyes fall closed. He's not even been up for two hours yet and he already feels exhausted.

Midorima pulls his school jacket up, not caring that he looks stupid – just needing to hide the damn mark and then he finishes preparing himself for school. Cancer may be the luckiest of all the signs but he can already tell today will not be a fun day.

He receives a number of odd looks throughout the day but Midorima couldn't care less about what these simpletons he has to call peers think of him.

Takao falls into the seat beside him at lunch and looks at him with that annoying, teasing smile he has. The black haired boy opens his mouth to comment but Midorima glares at him.

"Say one word and I will ensure you never breath a word again." He practically growls the words.

The threat wasn't anything different from the usual threats that didn't stop Takao making his dumbass comments so something in Midorima's expression or tone must have got the message through because Takao didn't comment on the fact his collar was pulled up and instead stared talking about the usual rubbish that Midorima barely listens to.

It's when he's about to change for practise Midorima realises that hiding the mark all day had been completely pointless as now the whole team are likely to find out (all it takes is for Takao to spot it and then everyone within a five metre radius will know within seconds and within hours, half the school wound know).

Sighing, the green haired boy quickly changes and decides that it could be a lot worse. Well, actually, no, that's a lie. It couldn't be worse.

"This is going to be humiliating." Midorima mumbles to himself before walking into the gym.

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