Red Cloak.

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 It was strange. Black was everywhere, but there was a small amount of warmth and comfort which seemed to fill your chest as you seemed to be sitting.

So, is this what it's like to be dead?

All you could do was wonder, you hadn't done much good in your life. You hadn't done much bad were stuck. With a groan you sprawled out, laying on the blackness you assumed was ground.

"Could be worse?"

But after a few moments of silence you couldn't help but wonder.

Am I really dead?

It was only after that a small shimmer of light seemed to appear from above, the more you stared the bigger it became. Until a flash seemed to erupt, temporarily blinding you. 


When you opened your eyes, there was no flood of white light, not the familiar scent of nature. As you turned your head, you realized you were on a wooden floor...laying on some...rather ragged blankets. Your eyes flickered around, absorbing the surroundings. Noticing that the ceiling seemed ready to cave in at some point, or maybe it was supposed to look like seemed to be raining, and this place looked like an abandoned house. 

As you tried to sit up, you gasped in pain. It seemed to flood every other sense you had, including your stomach...all you wanted to do was throw up or die of pain. Despite that, you started scooting yourself upwards. The more you did, the more you had to bear every wave of pain that overtook and flooded your body. Slowly you made progress, till you began to feel rather restricted, looking down it was then you realized you were covered in bandages, mostly around your stomach and chest area. A wave of nausea seemed to take over you while you pondered to remember what happened. 

"The claws...." a mutter escaped your lips while you winced in pain. The memory and sequence of the unfortunate events that unfolded seemed to bring a rather unpleasant feeling...But then another thought crossed your mind. You remembered passing out,  but you had been surrounded. Who else would have been in this area? You questioned it, as you did you tried to sit completely upright. 

Then who...saved me?

Cloud? No...he wouldn't be around that area...Tifa doesn't fight as much, doubt she followed me...

You scoffed at your thoughts, realizing you really didn't have any close contacts. A cough erupted from your chest and it caused more pain to flow through your body. You pouted slightly at the position you had put yourself in...then you looked around you, finally noticing your weapon was laid next to you in a careful fashion.

"I see you're awake." a low male's voice echoed in the room, your head whipped towards the doorway looking for the source. A shiver ran down your spine while his voice rang in the silence. Peering over towards the shadows,  you saw him. 

"It''s you!" you almost shouted as you pointed at the male. The quick movement made you yelp in pain. He motioned his head as if he was nodding. He walked out into the light as his seemed to clink on the floor. Your eyes observed him, taking in the details about him. You didn't know this person, in this case he could be a murderer...

No...he could have killed you when you were unconscious...

Obviously his red coat was the same in your dreams, it seemed to be damaged towards the bottom, and worn as well. The 7 buckles around the shoulders and neck were fastened as well. Glancing down to his clothes you noticed the black leather armor which seemed to suit him very well. Till gold caught your eye, at first you noticed his shoes which explained the clinking, then you saw...well a claw. You gulped slightly, after all you had a claw tear into you recently, and his did seem menacing. 

"I don't understand what you mean, but are you alright?" his tone was blunt, and emotionless. Your eyes wandered upwards to look at his face, but it seemed hidden. 

"I'm....i'm you save me?" you questioned, only to curse yourself in your head for asking such a stupid question. Obviously he must be able to fight, judging by his appearance, and the gun by his hip. It would add up. 


"Yes...I did retrieve you from that, well rather dangerous situation." he leaned down while he spoke, gently resting his hand at your back to hold you upright since you were slouching. You tensed at his touch, and his hand  retreated.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable." he tilted his head as his eyes observed your bandages, a blush erupted across your face. As he did you noticed his features, pale skin, dark lashes, black hair with a red sash type of cloth that was tied around his head. You blushed slightly as he got closer, you noticed his facial structure seemed very defined as well. When he pulled back, he looked into your eyes, which then  you let out a small gasp.


"It is you..."

"What?" he questioned.

"Well...I saw you in my dreams! I thought you were made up at this point!" as you spoke in a hurried tone, his expression did not change, yet you noticed his eyes seemed to change from one of sadness to one of small shock, but before you could point it out he had turned away, reaching behind you. 

"I think you may have hit your head, you should lay back down..." he fluffed the makeshift pillow he seemed to have for you. Gently he  grabbed your arm guiding you to lay down. A thousand needles seemed to shoot through your nerves as you did. 

"My job though...I only have three days." you groaned as he pulled the sheets upwards covering your torso.

"Jobs can wait...can I call anyone?" his voice was rather husky, it was honestly attractive. It took you a moment to respond. 

"Cloud never picks up...I don't really have anyone close..." you groaned, his hands finished tucking you in. They freezed when you mentioned cloud... Only for a moment, then he pulled away sitting cross legged next to you.

"Cloud Strife?"

"That's the one." you sighed. Turning your head you looked at the rigid male. He seemed so out of place, almost vampire like if you thought about it. "You know him?"

"Yea, you could say that." he shrugged, and tucked a strand of hair that had fallen down into your face back to where it belonged. Your eyes observed his other hand, f what you could see it was fairly large. It hadn't moved since he was only using his other hand to tend to your needs. 

Probably because I freaked out earlier...

"You get some rest. It would be best if you recovered soon." with that comment, he stood and walked over to the door. His cloak seemed to flow behind him in a creepy manner. His hand rested on the door knob, turning it gently. 

"Thank you." you muttered, he turned looking at your figure. 

"Don't apologize..just... Do as I said, I'll be back later to change the bandages." he then pulled open the door, walking though it slowly swung shut. Leaving you alone once more...

I didn't even ask his name...god i'm so stupid.

You closed your eyes taking a deep breath.

Then again, I havn't slept in awhile. Maybe...I should....sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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