chapter twenty five

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[ Third Person POV ]

Peter's head hurt.

That was really all he knew. He was deep in unconsciousness, and every once in a while he would almost wake up. So close, but never close enough. Flashes of light, snippets of words, some too garbled to make heads or tails of, others in a language he was confident he couldn't understand (though it sounded German).

". . . you will do."

Those were the only prevalent words that actually broke through. The only ones loud enough, or perhaps clear enough, or perhaps just too close to home, to actually break through the grip unconsciousness had on him, and lodge into his memory.

That was all he got.

So much fading in and out . . .

The last thing he remembered was chasing down the men, and taking out a whole ton of them at once, causing some friendly fire while also tying a few of them up, and webbing others to the walls, the ceiling. Then he reached this room, with a huge door that looked very official like, and he figured you know, why not?

It was a very bad life choice, he'd realize that when he woke up. He'd also probably hate metal doors forever, but that was a subject for another time.

He could remember getting shot at, the blast was nothing but an effort to stun him -- except it went a little further than that and knocked him clean out. The last thing he could remember seeing was a grotesque man that was entirely red, and looked more like an alien than anything else; his last thought? So that's why they call him Red Skull.

And then nothing.

Then snippets.

Then, "You imbecile!" an insult clearly directed at someone else in the room, given he was out (or used to be) out like a light, before he suddenly jerked to reality, sitting up so fast he threw two men off of him in the process.

Even in his still fuzzy state of mind, he recognized that men surrounding him wearing white lab coats was most certainly not a good thing, and so he did what came naturally -- he webbed about two thirds of them before he ran out of webbing completely, which then resorted to fighting while he felt extremely drugged.

Don't ask him how he took out so many men in one room; he can't remember. He assumes it was instinct, and a whole lot of spidey sense, coupled with the serious desire to live.

The Red Skull was nowhere to be seen as he finally struggled to stand straight, his adrenaline level beginning to drop. He took a few moments, leaning against the table he'd priorly been held down on. Then his brain gradually began to regain some semblance of normalcy; enough for him to recognize his mask on a table, and snatch it up and don it.

He rushed out of the room soon after that, creeping as quietly as he could (he'd noticed he was missing a boot, but what's a spider to do?) despite having no idea where he was going, and hoping with all of his heart that the villain had not also taken Evangeline.

Though if he had, Peter was more than willing to beat him up for it.

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