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Sixteen is standing still besides me. If I don't make a choice for myself, for us, I know that she will. And it might just be the wrong one. I move through people and reach up to One Hundred and stare directly into his eyes. There, I detect something I haven't seen before; fear.

'So?' I ask. 'Are we going to do this the easy way?'

He grunts and I take it as a "yes", proceeding, Sixteen following on my heel. There's a walk-in, cupboard in the corner of the room and I assume that's where all the food is accumulated, away from our reach. A boy I have not stumbled upon yet is blocking the way but steps aside as soon as I walk up to him.

I smell the food before I can see it. Is it because I'm hungry? I must be starving! Indeed, my mouth is watering with the smell of meat, cheese and even fruit and vegetables. My hand fumbles at the doorknob before I twist it. I try to shake of the voice in my head that worries me all the time before I walk inside.

I finally step inside the dark closet which lights up the moment I take a second step forwards. I pause and look around. The food is stacked in piles. I can spot packs of dried meat, cans of beans, bread, boxes that most likely contain pasta, dairy products, vegetables, almost everything. I see no sweets around but asking for that seems like a luxury. All this food seems meant not only to sustain us but also to help us grow and keep us energized, healthy. 'At least we can be sure they want us alive,' I mumble, not sure to whom.

Then, another realization comes to mind. All these are ingredients, meaning we'll have to cook our food from scratch. My head feels heavy again. I can't cook. I don't know how to cook ... do I?

'Sixteen bursts through the door. 'What's taking so long? Be quick about it! One hundred's coming to his senses and gathering people to protect him,' she explains.

I'm confused. 'Protect him from what exactly? From who? James?' I ask impatiently.

Sixteen looks at our shoes, then right into my eyes. 'Protect him from you, Eleven,' she says in a hushed voice, making me wonder whether they've installed cameras in this room as well. 'He thinks you're working with James somehow, that he's helping you compete against him. He's trying to make the others believe the same thing,' she says then stops abruptly. I can sense her hesitation. 'You ... you don't know him, do you?' she asks me and I feel like punching the wall.

'Are you kidding me? Of course I don't know the guy!' I yell at her. 'Don't tell me you believe him.'

'I don't, okay? I just had to make sure. It's not like I can blindly trust you. I barely know you,' she replies, and sadly, she is absolutely right. She can't trust me. And she shouldn't. Just like I should not trust her.

The girl's eyes narrow as if she has entered my thoughts, caught a glimpse of what I think. I try to use my poker face.

'Let's grab some food and get out of here,' I say and she nods, not at all convinced.

Stepping outside, I realise the screens are open again and Sixteen lets out a small sigh of frustration. 'What now?' she wonders. The same, annoyingly model-like man appears, the slight grin permanently stuck on his face.

'What now?' Fifty-five yells at one of the cameras. It zooms in and then zooms out of his face again. I am sure now. The man is not alone here. A bigger group has captured us and keeps us here. The voice from the speakers earlier was deeper than his. And now the cameras... he cannot be the one controlling them.

Who is behind all this? Is it a terrorist group? My mind is wondering again and my thoughts are far from clever. Terrorists torture people, they don't provide food and shelter for them. Terrorists act in public. This seems like a secluded place.

Sixteen is right. This is an experiment. But I must find out the reason behind it, the purpose of ... us.

The man speaks, making me jump nervously. 'The first place will begin in six hours. I suggest that you all eat and rest before it begins.' His voice is sharp and emotionless this time, he doesn't joke around. Someone steps forward from the gathered crowd.

'How will we know when it starts?' he wonders.

'Oh, trust me. You will know.'

*DISCLAIMER: I realise that this chapter is short but bear in mind that chapters do not have to, and cannot be, the exact same length. I can assure you, however, that the one to come is longer. And more interesting :))

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