Chapter 3

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hey guys. so here is chapter 3. please enjoy, alot of effort, considering my computer deleted basically the whole chapter

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Chapter 3

Charlie rolled over in the large bed, something he couldn’t do in his single mattress. He opened his eyes with a start and was facing Isabella. He tried to remember the events of the night before.

Charlie walked into Isabella’s extravagant room. He had never been in here before but he had swayed Mrs Janiston by saying that Isabella had left her mask in the carriage and he needed to return it to her.

The room was very extravagant, much more than his. His room could fit about 3 times in her room. He shut the double doors behind him and walked into the room. Isabella was lying on the bed in her nightgown. Even though she was the only one who would be seen in it, it was very conservative. Everything was conservative as far as women’s fashion was concerned.

Charlie was wearing his cotton shirt and beige working trousers and boots still. He was holding a cap in his hand that he had been wearing while driving the carriage. Isabella beckoned him over to the bed. He kicked his boots off and walked over to the bed. He leaned down and she reached up. Their lips met in the middle and the force of the movement and the passion behind the kiss drove Charlie on top of Isabella. They broke apart gasping for air. She looked up at him, eyes of admiration

He couldn’t sleep with her. She was so innocent. It seemed unfair of him to steal that away from her.

She pulled him down so their lips met once again. This kiss was filled with a lot more intensity than the first. He rolled over so that Isabella was on top of him. His lips moved down her neck. His hands found the buttons of her nightdress. One by one he started undoing them.

He felt her hands sneak up under his shirt, pulling his shirt up revealing his bare stomach. His muscles were defined from many years of manual labour. Her hands found his buttons and slowly but surely she started to undo them. She sat up on him and slipped her arms out of the sleeves of her nightgown. The front fell down revealing her bare chest.

His shirt was hanging loosely off him and he could feel her hands running over his muscles.

“I can’t. It wouldn’t be right. We both would feel bad in the morning.” Charlie moaned gasping for air.

“But wouldn’t you like to make her feel how you feel. She does love you. I know it.” Isabella whispered in his ear.

Her lips found his and the kiss got intense quickly.

He couldn’t bear to remember anymore. It wasn’t a question of that he didn’t want to, it was more that he couldn’t. He couldn’t remember anything after that.

He rolled over to stare up at the ceiling. He silently got out of the bed. He was still wearing his trousers and his shirt was still hanging off him. He lifted the sheets and Isabella was fully dressed. He couldn’t recall what had happened; he didn’t want to find out. He quickly buttoned his shirt up and walked around to where he had left his boots. He shut the door quietly, but a little bang escaped the doors as he pulled them shut. He made for the back staircase and down into his room. He wondered if Katie had come home after the ball the night before.

He walked to her room and silently opened the door. She was sleeping peacefully. The dress she had worn was hanging in her wardrobe.

He shut the door and made his way to his room.

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