Chapter 1

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Chapter One


“MACKENZIE MAY REID!” my best friend Jess yelled at me from my kitchen. She always let herself in. Hopefully she wouldn’t say anything to embarrassing seeing as my uncle and his team were all sitting in the living room near with me and could hear everything that Jess said. 

“Living room.” I yelled back to her so she would know my whereabouts and not go searching through my apartment.

“I have a huge- no I guess it’s better qualified as a small problem, Jack you know my boyfriend has a tiny dick!” she yelled. Yeah that definitely qualified as embarrassing.  “How the hell would you deal with this? Well I guess you wouldn’t have to seeing as you’re a virgin to a point.” She yelled emphasizing the ‘to a point.’ My uncle turned and glared at me. “Even though you could have any guy you want within a hundred miles. Why haven’t you had sex yet, Kenzie? You could have a guy with a huge dick if you actually let them pick up on you.” She said as she walked into the living room. She looked around the room and turned bright red. “Oh! Hey. Kenz you didn’t tell me you had guests over.” She said stumbling over her words.

“Sorry Jess.” I said to her.

“So Mackenzie what did Jess mean when she said you’re a virgin ‘to a point’” my uncle asked me. His whole team looked at me. They were all overprotective of me. They had the sense to guard me after what happened to me and my family in Vegas. I still can’t think of that day without having nightmares when I go to sleep at night.

“Thanks Jess.” I mumbled. “Well she means I have not engaged in sexual intercourse yet.” I told my uncle. He turned red too. I thought back to when I first started dating and he tried to have ‘The Talk’ with me. That was one of the best days of my life just watching him nearly die of embarrassment was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.


“Well, um, Mackenzie, I know you know, well actually I don’t know that you know, I hope that you know, do you know?” Uncle Reid rambled at me. At this point I could honestly say I had no idea what he was saying. 

“Do I know what what is?” I asked genuinely confused.

“Do you um, well do you um know what sexual intercourse is?” Uncle Reid asked me. He had tiny beads of sweat on his forehead. It was taking all my control not to laugh. I had to have some fun with this.

“No what is it?” I asked him. He turned a deep shade of red and looked down at his shoes.

“Well, um, you see, it’s when, um two people really um love each other and they are ready to take the um next step.” He paused. “Well it’s um the birds and the bees-” I couldn’t contain myself any longer I burst out laughing. “You know!” he accused me. I continued laughing.

“Of course I know I’m almost sixteen years old.” I said through my laughing fit.

“Well then, Kenz, I can make this easy for you. Don’t have sex. Your staring to date so don’t have sex.” He said to me before he got up and walked away “I think that went well.” I heard him say to himself with complete confidence and sincerity. That sent me into a whole new fit of laughter. I was really starting to enjoy living with my uncle.


“You’re not going to give me the talk again are you?” I asked my uncle. Jess stood next to me still completely humiliated at her outburst.

“No Mac, I’m not but Daniel might or Andrew. They love you just as much as I do.” He said to me. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to my bedroom with Jess. We had dates tonight so we had to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2011 ⏰

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