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"Well,well,well, your highness has finally decided to crawl out of her hole and grace us with her nerdy little, and may I add, a bit bitchy presence this morning," Karen 'greeted' me, venom in her voice,  as soon as I stepped out of the library and into the lobby. 

"Your highness," said Karen, bowing down. She then looked up and gave me a vicious look that scared me even more. Boy was I screwed! She is going to kill me right here, in the middle of all these people. 

"Um...Karen, I, uh, I am s-sorry for what I said this morning. I didn't really mean any of it," I managed to apologize with a stutter. She was making me very nervous by the minute. I knew I meant every word of it. But, it was no time to be honest, especially with Karen looking at me like this.

Karen stared at me for what seemed like hours, her eyes narrowed down at me, like she was trying to shoot some death ray from her eyes. 

For a moment there, my nervousness was replaced by anger. Almost half of the student population, mostly girls, had been putting up with her insults and were frequently being verbally attacked by her minions, Sasha, Shawna, Tanya and Kristy and her 'evil highness' Karen, all through high school. Senior year wasn't going all that well. But I said one mean thing to her, which was all true; she did came early in the morning for a make-out session by the locker, I stated a fact and now she was looking at me as if I'm some sort of  evil scientist that blew up her house or something. Karen Montgemery cannot take an insult, even a minor one. She got all hyper.

"The hell you didn't mean any of it!" Karen shouted. "You little witch! After what you've done, all you've to say is that you're sorry? You're sorry?" 

Uh oh! The nervousness was back again. Everyone around us had stopped to watch the show. People were staring. Some were looking at me with pity, some with sympathy. I turned around to face my best friend Casey, who was shaking her head, simultaneously giving me 'I told you so' look. 

"Heard that people," Karen continued, now, pointing to her minions, "little nerdy here is sorry."

Now even her minions were giving me dirty looks. What was wrong with these people? It was like I was right in the middle of the movie 'Mean Girls' while Regina George was preparing my social murder, if there is such a thing. I didn't really have a social life, but now after this incident, I have a hunch that there won't be even the slightest possibility of me having one in the future.

"Well nerdy," I didn't realize that Karen was still rambling, "your sorry isn't going to do for me. Do you expect me to let it go, even after you called me a slut? Answer me you little bitch!" 

I just nodded. I was officially the biggest chicken in the world.

"You're nodding? Seriously nerdy? You think sorry is enough?" 

She was now right in front of me, almost stabbing by chest with her newly manicured long pink fingernails while pointing at me with her index finger. God! How did they even grow that long with no trace of any dirt in them? I loved that shade. That kind of pink was chic. 

What the heck is wrong with me? Karen almost stabbed me with her fingernails and I'm admiring the color of her nail polish? I must get myself checked.

“Do you think a 'sorry' is good enough for calling me a slut, people?" she asked to the mob of students who were hoarded around our little 'group', enjoying the show.

I looked around to see people's response. I was really, really surprised. All these people were looking at me like I was their hero. 

"*Cough*, about time somebody told her who she is, *cough*," somebody whispered behind me.

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