19. Beginning

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Vesper sat passively on a hospital bed, only vaguely paying attention to her surroundings. She had been told she was in shock. Maybe she was, she wasn't really sure. After everything that had happened, she didn't really know how to feel about any of it.

When a famaliar face appeared in the doorway of her hospital room, she felt a weak smile spread on her face. Carter walked into her room slowly. He looked worried, like she might still be in danger. She didn't know why, but after what they'd been through together, she couldn't really blame him.

"How are you feeling, Vesper?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"Physically, I'm fine," she replied, trying to be honest. "Only a few cuts and scrapes, maybe a bruise or two. Or so the doctor told me. Emotionally?" She paused. "I don't really know."

She sighed. "I don't think the entire situation has sunk in yet."

"It's not uncommon, for kidnap victims to feel that way," he said. "But you probably already know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think I've heard that before. Somewhere."

She laughed quietly. The sound of it was strange, hollow, she couldn't remember the last time she had laughed. She made a mental note to try to do it more often.

"I need to get your full statement," he told her. "I've contacted your mother, and she'll be here soon to take you home, but I need to hear the whole story from you. Just start at the beginning, and tell me everything you can remember."

Vesper began to tell her story. She did her best to recall the whole day, and everything that had happened. Some parts were easy to tell, and other parts were more painful to recount. The only thing she left out was the part when Josef kissed her, and when she kissed him back. She hadn't done it intentionally, but once she reached that point in the story she felt like it was something she should keep to herself. No one would understand why she had done it, because even she didn't know why she had.

"Thank you, Vesper," Carter said, quietly, when she had finished. "I know that must have been difficult for you. You've been through a lot today."

She simply nodded, finding herself at a loss for words.

"Do you think Josef really intended no harm? That he acted only out of concern for his brother's safety?"

Vesper considered this question for a long time. She had been thinking about this for a long time, ever since she had found out the truth. She tried to answer as honestly as she could.

"I do," she replied. "I felt like I was missing some important piece of information the entire day. Once I learned the truth, it made so much more sense. I don't think Josef meant to hurt anyone. He was just desperate. He did the only thing he could do. Even if it wasn't the right choice, he did it with the right intentions."

"I think the same thing," Carter confided in her. "From all of the proof I've seen, Damien forced him into this. I don't think he should be held accountable for everything he did."

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