Chapter Two

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Chapter 2: Tomato Soup

"Al, we're out of milk" Alicia's roommate, Quinn, concurs after opening the fridge to get pour a cup of said milk.

"And your telling me because...? I'm lactose intolerant remember" She quips in a sarcastic tone.

"Owh, please you won't die if you pick up a carton of milk when you go shopping later" Quinn whines annoyingly, Alicia rolls her eyes but agrees nevertheless, She picks up her freshly brewed mug of coffee, walks to her laptop and pulls up a the Hello! magazine website. This may look like idle time wasting, but in fact it is part of her job to keep up to date with the latest developments in celebrities relationships. So they can pre-plan, thus impressing clients by sorting out time consuming matters up front. Such as finding available venues (in correspondence with couples chosen date/season), bargain dresses, incredible looking (and tasting!) cakes that could take months to confirm. All offered to the customer in the introduction meeting. How grand would that be?

There is nothing particularly groundbreaking in the celebrity world today, only an X-Factor contestant getting booted off the show for drug use, and the wild antics at yesterdays Glastonbury festival. She replies to couple of emails then, settles down to watch the new video of her favorite YouTuber. Time flies past in a blur because before Alicia knows it, it's 1:30pm. She shuts down the laptop and returns it to its place in her mint green laptop bag.

"Quinn, I'm going out now" Alicia shouts after a quick shower, dragging some mascara across her eyes, and an outfit change. She grabs her purse and pulls open the door.

"Don't forget my milk" Quinn hollers back, Alicia rolls her eyes and slams the door slightly. She pulls her coat closer to her body, and starts the ignition to the car.


The toasty air from the air conditioner almost immediately thaws her icy body. The supermarket is quite busy since closing hours are drawing in, and nobody wants to be fetching eggs from, the newsagents, in the middle of this chilly winter night. Alicia inserts a pound into the trolley line and assertively pulls one out. The meat section is her first stop, its even more nippy than the outside it's self. She picks up a couple of pounds of ground beef and chicken breasts for Quinn. Also in the frozen section, the cow milk and soya for herself is also added to the cart. After choosing a couple more snacks and other none food items she lastly makes her way to the toiletries section. It's almost a YouTube worthy haul as she purchases many products such as shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, body wash and a few other small items.

"Would you like a bag or do you have your own one for nectar points?" The cheery cashier questions after ringing up the products.

"Erm, i have my own thanks" Alicia pulls out her neatly folded bag, she had bought at a previous visit to the store. A hand help starts to stuff her items into the bag and carries them to the car for her. Night is starting to seep in so after, generously tipping the young man she's on her way home.


"Quinn, come help me with the bags" She kicks open the door with her foot, keys in mouth. Quinn rushes over, hunger controlling the abrupt movement in her legs. Quinn hasn't even the foggiest idea how to turn the oven on and since Alisha didn't bother cooking they had both gone hungry. They speedily pack away the groceries, and Alicia begins to cut up tomatoes for a quick tomato soup with a rabid Quinn stirring the onions.


Alicia scoops the hot soup into her mouth, savoring its heavenly taste. It warms both of them to the core as they sit on the slightly worn couch in their jammies, watching late night TV.
"So what clients have you got right now" Quinn makes small talk.

"You know I can't tell you that, what about you?"

"I thought you'd never ask" She straights her posture immensely and sets her soup on the coffee table, which housed her feet only minutes before.

"There's this super fit guy, i mean i don't get why he needs a personal trainer. He's maybe a little bit chubby but who cares when you have those dazzling baby blues. Plus his names Jaeger, JAEGER" Quinn rambles, completely disregarding the client-consumer confidentiality, Alicia has so much respect for.

"Oi Miss Cheeky, you have a boyfriend remember, and i'm sure Jaeger bomb or whatever his name is wouldn't appreciate you gossiping about his personal info." She slaps her tan arm lightly after scolding her.

"I knew you were going to make that joke and secondly I didn't cheat all i did was observe this guys cuteness level and thirdly i never revealed any personal information, like the fact he wears Calvin Klein boxers" Quinn lists with a sly wink.

"Quinn, how do you even know that. Ew never mind I don't want to know" Alicia turns away in disgust

"Cool it missy, I saw while he was doing squats" She laughs at her gullibility.

"Plus even if i didn't have a wonderful boyfriend, i would never sleep with a client" She adds in a more serious tone, the smile wiped off her face.

"Or would I?" Quinn asks in a raisee voice, a smirk on her sharp features.

"Your unbelievable" Alicia shakes her head but chuckles lightly, soon after they both fall into a pit of giggles. When they have laughed everything out of their system, they go back to eating the now cold soup and watching a new episode of Keep Up With the Kardashians. By the time they have both polished off the tasty soup, the clock has just struck midnight.

"Ugh lets go to sleep, some people have work in the morning" A sleepy Alicia begins to stand up to turn off the Tv but Quinn drags her arm sharply so she falls back onto the couch.

"Excuse me but I have work too, and no please don't go, your so comfortable to sleep on, not to mention the fact my legs have gone to sleep" She pleads through hooded eyes and slurred words.

"But Quinn we're gonna end up with sore necks and aching backs tomorrow" She whines. But its too late Quinn has a iron clad grip on her wrist, and the moment she snuggles into her armpit and whispers a throaty 'please', Alicia is sold. They end up falling asleep, and somehow through the night they moved into a vertical position and tangle their legs together. A pretty cute sight I can guarantee.

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