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The Donald the Duck telephone shrill quack sounds through the cramped reception. Alicia continues stacking her files, ignoring the telephone , knowing fully well her superior would scold her terribly if she saw her actions, especially after the previous warning. The voice-mail plays then the beep.

" Hello, I'm Ricky Thames representative of Harry Styles. I'd like to speak with you about the upcoming wedding of Harry and his fiancee Harper Lu, and you availability to plan it, please get back to me as soon as possible" Alicia doesn't pick up the telephone to catch Ricky, instead stands with her mouth ajar staring at it.

What are the chances you get a call (and voice mail!) from the representative for Harry freaking
Styles. Well, pretty usual for Meghan Littlewood but they mostly went straight to her cellphone to cut out the annoying third person. (a.k.a Alicia)

Alicia knew of course of the engagement of the two stars; but she really wasn't expecting them to be making contact with wedding planners, less then 48 hours after the engagement was presented to the world. It takes all of her composure and cool to pick up the phone and dial her superiors cellphone.

"Mrs. Littlewood, a representative for Harry Styles just called he'd like to discuss his wedding with you" Alicia could almost feel Meghan pinching her nose in annoyance.

"Not more celebrities! The Lovato-Wood wedding is enough as it is." She say's in a low toned voice

"Although it will pay well, book a
meeting with them and i'll see if my schedule will let up a bit to squeeze them in" The dial tone sounded soon after indicated Meghan has once again hung up mid conversation.

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