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Bella Donne is a 6 year old cutie whose best friend is Chris (Christian) Harper. Their parents don't know that! Annie only wishes to be big to get married to Chris. That's all she wished for! Conversation Time!!!
"Chris! Hi!"
"Hey Annabella!"
"Christiano don't call me Annabella in public"
"Christiano is not my name!"
"I know it's Christian"
"Call me Chris"
"Bella it's my mother I got to go"
So Annie got smart and looked up 'Whad wil mi futer bee lik'
A replace came saying 'What will my future be like?" She clicked the link and it said 'Please enter your picture and tell us what you want.' So she added her picture and it said 'Choose between: Future Husband/Wife, First Child, Marriage Ring' Annabella chose Option 1, she added Christian's picture and it told the future 'You two are gonna get married, you will have 3 kids called Sally, Daniel, and Emma, the youngest one'll be Daniel, Oldest one will be Emma.' "Totally great" said Belly. First Children? She chose Option 2, she had the 2 pictures and we will show you next what Sally will look like.

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