Home isnt Home

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Kurt's POV

I woke up to birds chirping and the ocean out side was very calm.
I got up in pain because i slept in cold floor from the cave.
I kissed Dave and walked out of the cave.
I wonder if Krist hates me. I don't know  why but I just have that feeling.

An-and what if Dave really likes me?
I haven't had time to think about it.
Not ever since I ran out of the house in fear and wondering if Chad will find me and kill me.
Oh well I need all of these thoughts to run out of my head.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and that cased me to jump.
I'm sorry Kurt but I think we should get back home.
Yea well you can talk to Krist I'll be hiding in the trunk of your car.
Oh ok.


Dave's POV

We pulled up to I don't know if it's our house.
I looked Kurt in the eye and said,
Ok you better hide in case something happens ok?
Yep I'll be right in the trunk.

I got out of the car and walked right in the house nervously.
Krist was sitting on his chair smoking weed.
Who said you can just walk into my hose like this?
Umm Krist I live here and so dose Kurt.
Krist got up and he all ready must of packed up me and Kurt's belongings.
Chad must have been hiding by the corner and he threw all of me and Kurt's stuff on the grass outside.
Then Chad pushed me out side on the grass and started punching me.
I kicked him in the face.

Kurt ran out of the car and pointed a gun at Chad.
Hey man put that down.
Leave Dave alone.
Ok man Ok I'm going back in the house.
As I was in pain Kurt picked me up.
I didn't know how that little guy picked me up he was really strong for his little skinny self.
He put me in the passenger seat and he drove.
Kurt you don't know how to drive.
Yes I kinda do but anyway are you ok???
Yes I'm fine.
Where are we going to live now Dave?
I have been saving up my money for a house and now is the time to get one.
Yes and it's not just going to be my house it's yours to.
No prob Kurt now let's get something to eat.


Ok Kurt you can stay in here and play your guitar for a while I need to go and buy a house as soon as possible so we don't have to be in this cold cave.
Ok see ya Dave.

Kurt's POV

I watched Dave leave. I really wasn't happy he was going to be gone but whatever.


As I was playing with my guitar I herd a cat meowing.
Oh hey little guy are you hungry?
Uhh well all I have is some sandwich meat you want some?
Meow Meow!
Ok here you go little guy but I don't have that much.

I kinda wanted to keep the cat. It was a little baby kitten. He must have lost his mom,dad,brothers and sisters.
I went on my knees and told the cat,
It's ok I lost my family members too.

All of the sudden Dave walked in the dark cave with the candles lit up.
Hey Kurt who is your little friend?
Our cat.
Oh you want us to keep it?
Yes I'd love that and we have to because I want it to have parents, something I didn't have.

I had a sad look on my face.
Dave sat next to me and put his arm around me.

Kurt what do you wanna name him?
Puff....Puff is the name! :)
Ok we can have Puff and we can raise him.
I had a sad look on my face again.

Kurt what's wrong?
Nothing I'm just happy that I'm giving Puff what I didn't get and that's a person who loves him.

Dave moved my head and made me look at his eyes.
We then got very close and then kissed.
His mouth tasted like sweet candy and his soft lips were warm.
We then broke the kiss for a breath.
Kurt I love you.
Yes and "I Will Care For You"

I could not stop smiling.
Well Kurt we should get some sleep and we will get our new house tomorrow.
I kissed Dave and went to sleep with Dave holding me and I was holding Puff.
We all than went fast to sleep......

Sorry this chapter was short but thanks for voting and reading and following.... The next chapter will be out ASAP........

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