chapter 1: SELECTED

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It was a nice warm day jinx and I, troyan were picking flowers in the front of our cottage , the school horns sounded. It was time, time to be destined to be good or bad, I was nervous, I tried not to show it but I could tell that jinx was worried too. We took a seat and mr. Bleu the head of the school said numbers 1-174 are good and numbers 175-300 are bad. The bad are destined to be mean and they earn there powers faster, good on the other hand are kind and are more destined to be queen or king someday. JINX'S hair then got a pinkish look to it and her eyes glared a dark blue color that moment I knew everything was about to change, and not in a good way. I looked at her, she looked at me, I turned my scroll to where she could see it. I tried to stop it but it fell, a teardown my right cheek. She reached in to hug me but I panicked and pushed her away saying "jinx, no not now" jolted for the exit but the guards grabbed me by my long white pony tail. The guard pulled me back and told me to go to the bad exit. I headed to the exit jinx tried to catch up to me before she was stopped and was told too go to the good exit. I could see over and over again in my mind the look on her face a shocked worried expression

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