Need You Now.

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****The baby's born, now what's going to happen with Ariadne and Liam?****

I've decided to release the description of this so any of my readers can let their imagination run wild, to let them think about what may be the future of Ariadne and Liam. You guys are not allowed to know who Ariadne went on a date with or what hers and Liam's kid is named, but there will be contest with a prize so if you want to compete in that check out the new update to FHSTLP.

I know I've said multiple different release dates but I've decided, and I'm going to stick to this decision, that the first chapter of Need You Now will be posted on January 31st, 2016. I'm excited for this to be posted, but I first have to finish editing From High School to Liam Payne. My good friend Izzy has been editing all the minor mistakes, and I'm going to go back and edit any plot or story line that doesn't make sense. I promise nothing major will be changed, just odds and ends. I've decided I'll probably update this every Friday following January 8th unless I'm feeling generous or something important comes up. I'm excited for this to be out, and it's killing me that you guys don't know what's going on in my head, but I promise it will be full of actual drama and maybe some baby mama drama if you know what I mean. Okay, so I guess this is goodbye for now, please if you haven't yet, go read FHSTLP so when this sequel is posted you'll know what's going on!!!!

I love you all and thank you so much for supporting me, it truly means a lot and 16.9 reads on FHSTLP is astounding I know for a fact it has many mistakes but still you guys read it, thank you so much I love you guys! I'm going to be working on updates for many things but please don't forget to go check out the newest update of FHSTLP that will be up in a few minutes to find out how to compete in this contest! Bye guys, I love you!!


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