1 : Flight of a Jasmine

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“I will get out or die trying, mother. I promise to come back for you and my sister.” she promised her sleeping mother's form before she slipped out of the home that she has been living in for twenty-five years.

In the dead of the night, she was going to travel all the way to China to be free. To make a life for herself that would not include such impossible to live with restrictions.

She would rather defect than to be wed to a man for clout and money.

She will leave behind the silk hanboks and the prison-like home where love is a secret whispered amongst the women in the family but never felt, never seen and most definitely not allowed.

She could hear the sounds of the night and she was overwhelmed of the smells that she was not used to noticing. It was like she was taking in everything that would remind her of her home before she left it forever. She was not coming back until the two countries are one. She didn't want to look back because she feared that her heart would break right there and then and she would never leave.

She held the secret that would be deadly for everyone who knew. She was going to take it where no one can use it to make their war.

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