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Anna's P.o.v

Seth woke up and stood up from the bed, he limped while holding his ribs towards the window and was about to climb out when I grabbed his arm and gently pulled him back making him wince

" Seth! stop trying to get yourself hurt please " I say desperately

" I need to help kill it, I can't just lay in bed until I get better" he says annoyed

" I don't want you to get hurt Seth please don't leave just rest " I cried out while letting go of his arm

" I don't need to rest" he snaps angrily making me step back terrified, his face softens and his eyes are filled with regret

" I'm sorry its just hard to stay in bed when I know their all out there trying to find the vampire" Seth says quietly

" It's going to be okay Seth you need to rest, once you're better then you can help but for now you're on bed rest " I say pointing to the bed, he groans while limping slightly over to the bed and slowly lays down

I pull the blanket over him and kissed his cheek, I was about to sit back down on the chair when Seth grabs my arm and pulls me into the bed with him

He kisses my forehead before holding me in his arms protectively, I snuggle happily into his chest as he slowly goes back to sleep. I lay there thinking about this vampire that attacked him and I felt the urge to hunt it down and rip its head off for hurting my Seth

So once Seth was in a deep sleep I un-wrapped his arms from around my waist and stood up. I kissed his lips softly before going to my room and grabbing a jumper, I jump out the window and ran into the woods

I was suddenly thrown in the air and fell onto a soft warm back, Leah. I groan but get slightly confused when she starts heading towards the meadow and not my house

She stops and nudges me off gently before shifting back and getting dressed in a tank top and denim cut offs. I watch curiously as she sits down looking like shes gonna cry

" What's up ?" I ask concerned while sitting next to her

" I imprinted on the vampire that attacked Seth " Leah sobs uncontrollably

" oh wow um well what are you going to do?" I ask surprised, I was not expecting that at all

" I don't know, they want to kill him" Leah sobs with her face in her hands

" they can't! his your imprint! isn't it against the law to hurt someones imprint ?" I ask unsure

" Yes but I don't want Seth to hate me for imprinting on the one that attacked him" Leah says sadly

" He can get over it and if he doesn't i'll deal with him, just find the vampire and tell him that you imprinted on him, maybe he will stop hurting people and then he can be your problem " I say smugly

" Aren't you nice " Leah snorts amused

" Very" I say cockily flipping my hair back

I jump to my feet when I heard a twig snap from behind us, it was the vampire... his blood red eyes staring hungrily at me, I step back and Leah stands in front of me

" Anna run" Leah says sternly, I whisper good luck in her ear before running off and back home

I climb through my window and back to where Seth is, I see him sitting up looking much better. He sees me and looks away

" Where did you go?" he asks quietly

" Nowhere" I say secretive making him give me a suspicious look

" fine don't tell me " he says grumpily

" Bub please don't be mad " I say softly while walking to him and sitting on the bed next to him

" I'm not, I just want to know why you left after I fell asleep" he says sadly

" I just had to do something, it's nothing worth discussing"  I lie calmly

" Okay" he says convinced, I felt bad for lying but leah should be the one to tell him not me .

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