Four idiots and a spaceship

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I am thinking about a new story. Here is the prologue.

"um captain......" i heard a small murmour and scurry out of the corner of the eye.

"Yes," I turned aroud, finding ou what the idiots had  done now.

"We lost it,"

"You lost what? it is no use you saying this and then not saying what you lost." This incompetant nitwits, they have no idea how to run a ship.

"We lost the ship sir,"

"You lost the ship, Lord why did you give me such an incomptant crew." I sighed, what did i do to deserve this.

"We didnt mean, to honestly sir" I could tell that he didn' mean to but come on its not that hard.

"You lost a ship, the ship is painted in green and yellow, how many other ships like that are there?"

"Well i suppose when you put it like that...."

"Exactly, it is almost impossible to loose that ship, only you and your munch of nitwits could do that"

*******Author Note********

I know there  is literally nothing but please stick it out, it will get better.

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