Part 1- First Day

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Hi there. I'm Ashley Dawson, I'm a transferee here at Silverton High. So here I was... Walking the at hallway like ordinary people do.. Right?

So like first day of school people just don't bother you walking, but the sooner it gets you will get annoyed. Holy crap! So there it was the sissy's of the school, I don't know them but I can see it through DIRECTLY.

I don't know why I chose this school, maybe because its a few blocks away from home? Yeah, I think that's it .

Knowing people on the first day of school is 'Okay' but not for long. [introducing] "Hi my name is Ashley Dawson I live in my house and so do you" I said that when I introduced myself. The teacher said : " We need you to say your real place where you live!" Mrs. Carlton said then I replied ; "I'm not lying Mrs. it's true I live in my house!"  so when I said she had this whatever face and she just let the conversation end.

Whooo! Words of Wisdom! I can't get a better first day like this! Until it gets to FIST day when bullies come! I'll be like "Ooohhhhh HELP" if I was like Sofia the first I would do it singing :)

If ever I do anything wrong I would cover my face with paper bag! I mean like it might be embarrassing! Class one started: Biology.. Nothing but a great morning starts with biology! How great! I HATE BIOLOGY

If biology would offer us a time to get organs to CHOP them I would go for Kisha's heart and chop it! (She is the sissy we are on the same class). You know why? First day of class she blocked my feet and I fell! Just how great of that!

So back to school, I was thinking about Einstein for the answer and maybe yes? I gotta face this! I raised my hand and Sir Fregdork called me and I answered "Einstein!" So yeah! I got it right! Way to go!

So like everyone else I'm looking for my adorable munchkin dubby wobby patootie .. You know what it means, so yeah, that's like it. So I saw some couple of boys at te hallway when you would not believe what happened, someone blocked my feet I DIDN'T fall because a handsome, kind yet charming boy catch me! Score 1 for Ashley! But when I looked up it was Josh Kinley!! When I saw him, I saw trouble and when you see Kisha's reaction you can see MURDER in her eyes! So I hurried to stand up and said "Thank You" and ran away! And I saw him with that 'Oh girls' look.

Without Kisha knowing I acted innocently in front of her. What's wrong with that? Josh just catch me I don't see the problem with that. She is just so over reacting!

If I had a chance to face her I would do it! (If I wasn't a coward!) I saw that weird girl across saying "Go for it"  I could image that maybe she knows what I'm thinking.. Oh wait she is talking to the girl next to me :) I'm so feeler

So these past few days high school was kinda great because Josh leaned next to me on my locker and asked me that if I could join his band. Because if you don't know I have an amazing voice!!

Well I can only say "I have an amazing voice" on my mind 'cuz people nowadays! They give you craps! Tons of crap! So he said....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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