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"Is the arena ready?" Asked the man.

"Yes, it is set up for the subjects." Replied the scientist warily. He was not fond of the man, with his strange apparel and snakelike ways.

"Good. I will retrieve the first few, but I expect your men will collect the rest?"

"Yes, they are all ready."

The man pulled his fedora down as to cast a shadow on his face, and placed his hands in two of the many pockets on his trench coat. He fingered the dart gun in his pocket, just waiting to use it on the subjects he had assigned himself to. He stepped out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

The scientist sighed. He had been forced into making a deal with this man, and he didn't like it. He thought back to when he had first met the man. He had woken up in an alleyway with a gun to his chest. It was then that the man had made his offer. If he had declined, he would have been killed and his body incinerated. He shuddered. As soon as this was over, he would move as far away as possible from this area, and change his name so the man couldn't find him again. But for now, there was nothing he could do but obey the strange man.

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