Chapter 4: Home at Last

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Sophie's POV

After  a half hour car ride, we arrived at a tall apartment building that stood in the middle of Manhattan. I followed the boys through a few hallways and up multiple flights of stairs, as they had protested taking the elevator because by doing so, I wouldn't be getting the full "Met tour".

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked while drumming a suspenseful tune on the door. Jack and Adam instantly joined in as well, but they were quickly stopped by Laurie (who, along with Gary, cleverly decided to take the elevator) saying, "Boys, let Sophie come inside and stop bothering the neighbors!"

"Fine.." Jack said, opening the door while quietly humming the suspenseful tune so that their mom wouldn't hear. A bright light suddenly filled the hallway from a window within the apartment and I followed the boys in. A dining table surrounded by brown, wooden chairs stood beside us in the center of the room.

"So, this is the dining room," Adam said awkwardly while closing the door, "it's where we eat.."

"Adam, let me show you how to give a real tour of this house," Jack interrupted, standing in front of me.

"Oh is Sophie getting a tour?" Laurie asked, poking her head through a doorframe, "Gary, come help with the tour!" They both joined the small group and waited for Jack to continue.

We followed him a few steps into another room where sunlight poured through a large window and onto a grey couch. "This is the living room, which is also known as our studio because we record most of our songs and film some of our videos in here. As you can see over here on these walls, we hang many of our instruments here," Jack said while gesturing to the walls on either side of us and imitating a professional tour guide.

"You boys should show Sophie which room will become her bedroom," Gary said, pointing towards a hallway.

"I call dibs on showing it to her!" Ryan called out suddenly, then calmly said, "Now, follow me please Sophie." I followed him down a short, narrow hallway filled with framed pictures of the boys when they were younger, stopping once to be shown where the bathroom was. We were soon in an almost empty room that was small, but big enough for everything you'd need in a bedroom.

"Welcome to your new bedroom, Sophie," Laurie said, smiling at me, "I hope it's okay. We haven't decorated it or done anything to it because we weren't sure what kind of things you'd like."

"Wow, it's perfect!" I exclaimed, "Thank you so much!"

"We're glad you like it, Sophie," Gary said, smiling widely, "We would have had you share a room with Jack and Ryan, but there's not much space in there anymore. We also figured that you might want your own room, especially since you're a girl and probably don't want two stinking boys in your room."

After discussing for a few minutes about what I'll need in my room, Jack continued with his tour and showed me he and Ryan's bedroom, which was a bit bigger than mine and had two loft beds connected to each other on one side of the room.

We passed by Laurie and Gary's bedroom which I was briefly shown before heading to the kitchen.

"This is the best room in the house!" Ryan exclaimed suddenly when we entered.

"Welcome to the kitchen," Jack said, imitating the man from Jurassic Park, "It's best known for mom's famous chocolate chip cookies and one of the most visited attractions is the fridge." We all shared a laugh as Jack opened the fridge to show me its contents.

"Ok, we're gonna go do some work and we'll leave you guys alone," Gary said, leaving with Laurie.

"You guys have such a cool house!" I said, looking around.

"You mean we have such a cool house," Adam corrected, gesturing to his brothers and making sure to include that it was now my house as well.

"Wanna go get some lunch? There's a great pizza place down the street if you want, or if you want there's an awesome Chinese restaurant a few blocks down."

I nodded excitedly and followed them as they walked out the door, excited to venture out into the city.


hey guys!

I've had this in my drafts for a super long time and I know you've all been wanting me to post for a while. 

I'm really sorry I haven't kept up to date with this story, I just started it a really long time ago when I was way younger and I've been working on newer stuff instead.

Anyways, I haven't really read through this yet so it may require some heavy editing, but I just wanted to get it out to you since you're all so nice and active in the comment section.

Stay safe!

Sophie :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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