Chapter 16 {End}

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(Jason's Pov)

The sound of dripping water feels my ears as I start to come to. I reach my arms up to feel around me but I freeze as the sound of rattling chains echos around the place. My eyes open widely and I look around to see nothing but darkness. I pull my hands together but they can't go all the way, they're stopped by a cool, ruff material holding my arms apart. Footsteps could be heard not far down from where I sit. I pull on the material but it's no use, it's to strong. A light flickers from outside my cell making my eyes wonder over to the source. A tentacle could be seen from the side of the wall. I watch as the tentacle moves across the floor and their standing is a squid in a grey lab coat. I squint my eyes together, in confusion and anger. A tentacle slithers threw the bars and stops close to my face. I lean against the wall as much as I can to get away from the slimy thing. A small needle slides through one of the suction cup. I raise an eyebrow at the new, but weird, thing this pacific squid did.

I gasp out in pain and surprise as the needle swiftly swipes across my cheek before I can even blink. The tentacle slides through the metal bars back to the squids side. The squid looks down at the needle, nods, then walks away. I listen as the squid walks away then a door slam echos around the small cell. I look around slowly and stiffen as I see a barred up window, water slightly leaks from the small holes between the bars. "I'm in the castle" I mumble out. "That you are, Jason" My eyes snap to the voice. I frown and look up at Brandon. "Brandon" I seethe out between my teeth as my eyes turn to slits, glaring at the one man who made my best friend forget the one he loves. That thought brings Tyler to mind. My eyes widen slightly then I quickly turn them back to a glare when Brandon laughs. "Oh~! Are you thinking about Tyler" He says in a baby voice making me clench my teeth together. "Leave Tyler out of this" Brandon smirks and pulls a piece of cloth from behind his back.

My eyes widen and my mouth falls open in sadness and astonishment. Brandon swipes the cloth back and fourth in front of the bars. The grey and red material looking just like Tylers. No.... Tyler's ok! Tyler is sitting in the team crafted house, yelling to the others about looking for me and yelling at Ty to shut up about how big her but is getting. The last part put a small smile on my face but it soon fell when a dark red substance dripped down from the material. "No" I unconsciously whisper out as my heart falls and everything goes numb. "It's quite sad but also good for me. That's one pain in the ass I don't have to deal with anymore, or should I say two?" I yank on my chains and grit my teeth together as all the sadness quickly changes to anger. "What did you do to her" I demand as I keep yanking on the chains. A smirk spreads across his face as he grips the material tightly and throws it into the cell, it softly landing in front of me. My eyes stay on the familiar material. "She got what she deserves" And with that he leaves. My eyes don't even look up to see the devious smirk on his face, not even the evil glint in his eyes. A lone traitor slides on my face and lands on the material. I stretch my arms, pulling against the chains with everything I have, and gently pick up the material with the tips of my fingers. I rub the material between my two fingers and sigh sadly.

The sound of a door slamming open, followed by a clatter of metal against stone, echos loudly around the room. I look up and hastily slip the material in the pocket of my jeans. I look back up and about six squids stand in front of my cell. The door of my cell slams open and the squids march in. I look down at my pocket. I'm coming Tyler. I'm coming.

{Tylers Pov}

I sit on a chair in the living room with a hand rubbing my stomach and the other holding a ham and cheese sandwich, watching Seto walk back and fourth in the middle of the living room mumbling stuff under his breath. I had a strange craving for meat and cheese. So I just made a ham and cheese. Brice sits on the chair across from me, watching Seto worriedly. Everyone else is elsewhere in the house or searching around the beach and woods for clues to where Jason went. Seto stops and turns towards me. A sad but surprised expression shows on her face as she turns to me. "I know why they need Jason and why the baby is a month older than it should be." My eyes widen and I sit up quickly. "Why?" "It's because-" An explosion sounds throughout the whole house making it shake. I grip onto the chair watching as Seto falls into Brice's waiting arms. Adam clutches Ty when he rolls off the couch as glass from a window shatters beside them. The floor cracks slightly as the ceiling falls through slightly. Seto yells something as a piece of the second floor falls inward. A purple mist covers the area around us making the floor slide down around the mist. I look up at the mist to see it slightly disappearing.

The shaking stops and Seto makes the mist disappear. I look around at everyone to see Adam gone and a knocked out Ty on the floor. I look over at Seto to see her laying on the floor with no Brice around. "What th-" Seto coughs harshly making me rush over to her. "Are you ok?" I look over at Ty. "Is Ty ok?" Seto looks up at me and then towards Ty. "It's starting" I look at Seto confused. "What?" Seto sits down and breaths in a jagged breath. "The squids took them" I help Seto off the ground and ask again. "What? Why?" "Their making hybrids"


ROCK MUSIC STARTS NOW!! I just think that would be perfect for this ending XD! Y'all should all know by know that their is gonna be a third book ;D! I don't know bout y'all but I'm excited! :D BYEZ! (I'll try to update as much as I can but school has started and I have homework and test almost everyday. So please try to bare with me here.)

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