CHAPTER 2: A dramatic awakening

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CHAPTER 2: A dramatic awakening.

He still hasn't woken up.

I glanced at him whilst tying my hair into a messy bun. I loaded the coffee maker and pulled my fridge open. I took some eggs, bacon and toast.

After frying the bacon, I heard someone struggling behind me. Blankets pooled on the floor. His blood shot eyes widened, alarmed as he noticed the current predicament of his limbs. "What the fuck?" He struggled, not noticing me yet. I watched him amused then grabbed a knife from one of my drawers.

I laughed silently to myself as I slowly approached him. He lifted his head when I entered his line of vision. I watched as his eyes widened even more in panic.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He struggled, making him face plant on my floor. He wiggled to faced me. His gaze was set on the knife in my hand. "Don't kill me." He pleaded. I can see the raw desperation in his eyes. I bent down. "No, no, no! Get the fuck away from me you psycho."

"Dude, you've got to chill. I'm just going to cut-"

"Cut?! You're not cutting anything! Get the hell away!" He squirmed as he yelled at me in panic and hysteria.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Then how do you expect to get out of that?" I pointed at his bound arms. "I'm just trying to help, but hey, if you're David Blaine then you clearly don't need me." His brows furrowed as he debated with himself. I bet everything in my name that he thinks I'm some crazy bitch that wants to gut him.

Eventually, he calmed down and I slowly and carefully cut through the tape, making sure his worst nightmares don't become reality. He was stiff as a rock, probably thinking the same thing. After I did his arms I proceeded to his legs. "There."

I returned to the kitchen to make sure none of my food has burnt while he tried to recover from the shock of being in a stranger's home, bound and almost scared to death by the fear of being massacred.

"So.." I trailed off, putting the bacon in two plates. "Do you like your eggs sunny side up or scrambled?" I asked.

"You know you could've just used a pair of scissors." He responded as he scrutinized me from under those long lashes. Damn, he's even more attractive awake I tell you. Maybe life isn't as unfair as I thought.

"I guess you can say I'm some sort of rebel." I told him, smirking. I hear him scoff and mutter under his breath.

"How do you want your eggs?" I asked once again.

"Scrambled." He muttered before approaching me. "Who are you?" He finally asked.

"I'm the person who saved your ass from freezing to death in the middle of the night." I paused then looked at him with a smile. "But most people called me Chaplin." I cracked the eggs in the pan and proceeded to scramble them. "How about you?"

He seemed confused by my question. "You, uh," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "You don't know me?"

"Well I wouldn't be asking if I knew who you were would I?" I rolled my eyes. "Make us some coffee. The cups are over there. I like that black one with the cat on it." I felt him shuffle behind me towards the direction I told him the cups were at.

"This one? With the weird eyes looking at different directions?" He asked me skeptically.

"Yes that one."

"Not cute at all, just like its owner." He said. I felt my jaw drop and whirled around. "Excuse me?"

"What?" he looked at me with a smirk. "It's true." This has got to be some kind of joke.

"Are you being serious right now?" I switched the stove off. "You're insulting me in my house while I cook you breakfast? And after I fucking saved your life?"

"You sure got a trucker's mouth," he said.

"Says the guy who was cussing not five minutes ago," I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Of course I would be cussing! I thought you were going to murder me!" He yelled exasperatedly. "Why was I even like that in the first place?"
"You were a random stranger I picked up on the street because some guy ditched you unconscious. How do I know you aren't going to murder me while I slept?" I stated blankly at him. "It was a safety precaution. Or would you have rather I left you outside?"

That had seemed to silence him. "I don't drink coffee in the morning. I prefer OJ."

I stared at him incredulously. "Just so you know, the temptation to kick you out right now than share my food with you, is pretty strong." I grabbed my bottle of aspirin on top of my fridge and slammed it on the table. "If you need it then take some. It's either coffee or water."

Breakfast was awkward to say the least. None of talked. He was pretty smart to keep his mouth shut. "It's Alec," he said, finally breaking the smothering silence.


"My name. It's Alec."

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you."

"What happened last night?" He said, forking some eggs into his mouth.

I took a swig of my coffee. I definitely needed the caffeine in my system before I told this guy anything. "I was coming home then some crazy guy just pulls over and drags you into the sidewalk. You were unconscious. At one point, I thought you were dead but you were just passed out. Then I dragged, quite literally, your butt into my house. If my apartment had been further I would have left your ass in the snow so yeah that's what happened."

"Fuck Travis," he said, rubbing his temples.

"Im guessing he's a friendly fellow. Anyways I've got to go in like 10 minutes. Do you have money for cab fare or..?" I hope he had money because honestly, I did not have an extra dollar to spare and I didn't feel like dipping into my savings inside my sock drawer.

My question seemed to have alerted him and he checked his pockets for some change or a wallet at the least. He looked up at me and I internally groaned. "How much?"

"Like 300 dollars?" I felt my jaw slack.

"Are you serious? 300 freakin dollars? For a cab ride?"

"I'll pay you back I swear and its not only for cab fare." I wanted to believe him. I really did. But the world is a cruel place. "Uh-huh," I answered him skeptically.

"I'll give you my address as collateral," he says.

I almost laugh. I don't know what he's on but it's some hard stuff. "Your address? For 300 hundred dollars? Uhm, yeah no."

"Just trust me. What I'm offering up is worth way more than what I'm asking," he bit his lip in anticipation for my reply. Man that was a sexy sight. I let out a sigh, maybe lip bites were my ultimate weakness besides a chiseled jaw. "Okay fine but I get to take a picture of you and you gotta sign your name with a finger print on a piece of paper saying that you owe me 300 bucks."

"Okay cool but as soon as I give your money back you have to delete it."

"Yeah okay whatever."

I just hoped for the best when I hesitantly handed him my hard earned money.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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