Rehearsals and drama

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A/N: I haven't watched Dance Moms for very long, so the characters personalities may not be exact. Also, I know that this isn't how it was on the show, but the people on the team are:

Gianna' POV
"That, is a hot messy!" Abby announced to the dancers,"Try it again,".
3 more runs of the dance and it wasn't getting any better.
"Gianna, show them the combo they are messing up again," Abby told me.
"Alright," I said.
Abby's my boss. Even if I disagreed with her, I need to back her up. I don't want to lose my job.
Out of nowhere , someone walks into the studio. I sort of recognize her. I know she's a choreographer.
"Hi Abby," she said.
"Who are you?" Abby asks rudely.
"Tiana. The moms called wondering if it would be okay if I did a class with girls," said Tiana.
"I didn't call you, so you should just get out of my studio," Abby said.
"Okay," said Tiana.
She nodded and left.
"That was extremely rude," I said.
"Gianna, you have no right to tell me what is rude and what isn't . Get out, you are suspended ," Abby yelled at me.
I took a deep breath and ran out of the room. Once I got out of the room, I started crying.
*Where the moms sit*
"Did Abby really just say that?" Christie asked.
"Afraid she did," Jill replied.
"I'm gonna go see if Gia's okay," Melissa said.
"She hasn't yelled at me in years. Now I know how you guys feel," I say as Melissa hugged me.
"It's okay, it's okay," Melissa tried comfort me.
"Bye," I said to her.
"Bye," Melissa said.
Maddie's POV
"So Abby really meant it," I said as we pack our stuff up at the end of our rehearsal.
"Apparently ," Kendall said.
"I hope she's okay. Abby wasn't very nice to her," I said.
"Yeah," said Chloe.
I hope Gia's not hurt.
Tomorrow we have a competition. Gianna's name hasn't been mentioned once in the studio since the day she was suspended.
"Abby, will Gianna be coming to the competition?" My mom asked.
"I don't know. We will see," Abby told her.
We are at the competition. Abby's not in the room.
Gia walks into the room!
"Gia! You came!" We exclaimed.
My mom went over and gave her a hug.
"I can't let Abby know she hurt me," Gia said quietly to my mom.
I'm happy that Gia came. That means she's back.

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