Evangeline aka Rose aka Luna

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Hey! I'm Evangeline, but you can call me Eva. I'm one of the legacies. I basically share the leader position with Cathrine, who I call Cat, aka Hatter. Kinda like James and Sirius share the leader position of the maurauders. She teases me, cause she thinks I like that stinkin poopsicle, James potter aka prongs. Humph! So, in return, I tease her about liking that man-whore, Sirius black. Ha! As soon as she stops teasin me about likin' poopsicle over there, I'll stop teasin her about likin the man whore. Well, here's some more info about me.

I love blue food and red food. They're my very favorites. They're opposites, I know, but they are still my faves!

I have caramel colored hair, that reaches my butt, and bright green eyes that have a ring of silver around the outer and inner circles of my eyes with gold specks. I am tall, around as tall as prongs.

I am an animagus. My animal is a silver wolf with a ring of green around my head. Almost like the clover crowns that I make all of the time. The legacies are animagi to help Eve, our werewolf friend out. Unfortunately, Remus Lupin, a maurauder is also a werewolf, and so they also became animagi to help him out. I think that Eve likes him.

I am in love with James Potter. There I admitted it. I still won't admit it to myself, or anyone else yet. That would make me a liability to the legacies. I can't become a liability, cause I am the leader of the legacies.

I am a pureblood. My full name is Evangeline Rose Hearts. I have everyone call me Eva though. It's easier to say, and it's shorter. The legacies call me Luna though.

I am an only child of Leyla and Laxus Hearts. My parents are rich, nice, and best friends with the potters. They wanted me to be friends with James, so we have known each other since we were babies. We always pranked each other though. We have been competing our whole lives. We have gained the titles of Queen and King of pranking. No one except James and the rest of the legacies know of my amazing pranking skills. Pretty cool, huh. 😋

My legacy name is Luna.

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