It's all about me ;)

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Shkumbin Alihajdari

I was born in 1995, it was terrible to see myself naked, years later I fell in love (false alarm) ... Okay on fabruary 2004 I almost died in a dream (I saw myself having sex with a girl that I liked), days after days, weeks after weeks and years after years, I grew up, now I was 14 :$ what a feeling, now and cigarettes were in my life and the most important I got a girlfriend (shkojshum nshkoll me bicikell mu pat rrxu ihere prej kafetrigerit i ka pa qit buza tamel u pata tut mos iu ka qpu cica e i kom pas dhomt nto :s)... When I was 15 I started driving, oh what a feeling $_$ ( I crashed my father's car), one day when I was 17 my dad called me, and I just answered him: Phu nanen as me femen stlajn mu knaq.. (ni jav nspital, mjekt mpaten than tu ka qerru zorra :/).. now I'm 18 and I'm writing about myself... ✍(to be continued)


Sorry fans, was a long time so I stopped writing but you know my girlfriend... she... It's all about sex :/.. so now I've got time , and I guess my girlfriend is having sex with another one, you know guys how girls are ^_^..  Wanna hear about our relationship ? Ok on 14 february 2013 I was sitting on a chair watching porn with my dad, then my phone started vibrating and what I saw was terrible ''Gruja is calling you'' -said my phone and continued vibrating, then I asnwered that call, she was crying because she got self-abuse all the time and she needed sex (e kish kap spaqimja) :s, look honey sex is like a gas station sometimes you get full service, sometimes you gotta ask for service and sometimes you have to be happy with self service! -I said, she stopped the phone connection and I just said to my father can you pause the movie because I had to go, When I arrived to my girlfriend home I knocked on the door, then the door opened and WTF my girlfriend and her mother, ''WHO WANTS TO BE THE FIRST'' I said, the mom of my girlfriend called HANIFE said CAN I? :O I just got surprised (not at all), then I woke up, my father was calling me: ''WOKE UP SON YOU HAVE TO GO IN SCHOOL''...I woke up,  with one eye open and with one eye closed. I started to get dressed,  and full of disappointment because I woke up without watching myself doing sex :/ ..Oh what a night hope to be continued $_$

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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