Chapter Three

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Rowan continued to grumble, but I soon tuned him out, listening to the teacher up front. The teacher said her name was Mrs. Saltweather. She had a nice voice that seed to match her kind smile perfectly. Se didn't raise her voice and as she read the rules she made jokes every now and then. Except that the jokes were actually funny, unlike some teachers' jokes.

As great and entertaining as she was, I could almost hear my secret society plan calling for my attention. I imagined what kinds of houses they would live in, what they would wear, and what they would eat. Just as I was going to develop a language for them, Rowan slid me a slip o paper with a note written on it.

/can I read ur home room paper?/

I read it and was unsure of what he meant. Was he saying that he wanted to get to know me more, or was he simply as bored as I was? ignoring the uncertainty, I responded.

/can I read ur home room paper/
\yeah. Sure. As soon as I actually do it. (- - ;) \

That written I slid it over and began to fill out the sheet. When I had finished I passed him mine and he handed me his. I read it over.

Pet: Dog- Apple Jack
Color: Silver
Age: 15
Music: Anything but R/B
Show: I don't really like T.V.
Class: It's school... what's to like besides lunch?
Book: Mysteries! Murder!

I looked up my smiled at him. Most of our answers were the same. Except pets. Mine was a clump of air named Can't-Play-With-Me Jr. CPWM Sr. Died in a fan a few years back.

I knew when he got to that part because his shoulders shook and an occasional random chuckle excepted his lips. He looked me up and down and continued to barely contain his laughter. I snatched the paper and wrote,
\whats so funny?!\

He read it and laughed even harder. He slid it back.

/nothing. Ur pet just seems like something u would say./
\'Ur' is a river, not a pronoun.\
/Whatever!!! 盧 *insert deep face here*/

Now I was the one laughing! he made the absolute perfect face for that moment! I pointed to the wired scribble thingy and looked at him, silently questioning; 'Are you insane or was this just a doodle gone wrong?'

Rowan simply nodded and mouthed 'doodle'. He freaking read my mind! I can already tell that this friendship is going to go places.

I must have been daydreaming for quite a while before, because just then the bell rang for second period. Off to room nine!

Life of a StrangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz