Chapter Three -

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Genevieve had been the first to wake up, or so she thought. She let her arm dangle off of the couch, taking only the briefest hazy glance around the room. Sunlight was coming in, which didn't tell her much, given that the days were getting longer. Her leg soon joined her arm as she splayed herself over the couch. There was nothing dignified about her position, but she didn't care; it was comfortable. She closed her eyes again and tried to just let the sleepy fog linger a little longer.

Since her hand had been hanging off of the bed, she could feel the pressure from the ring on her middle finger. She barely ever removed it, but she was beginning to regret that habit just then. When she decided it was time to get up, she would have to try to pry it off, or at least get the blood flowing so she didn't mess up her finger.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed before she heard Dawn moving around, getting herself some cereal to eat. Though she did her best to be quiet, Breanna stirred and finally got up as well. Unfortunately, while Genevieve and Dawn were both pretty heavy sleepers, she was a bit of an insomniac. Genevieve rolled onto her stomach more, working at the ring, flexing and relaxing her fingers while holding her hand up. "C'mon you stupid thing, budge."

Breanna looked over, stretching, "You shouldn't sleep with tight jewelry on. We might have to amputate."

The words teased Genevieve, making her smirk. "Take a finger, I take a hand."

Dawn sat down in the middle of the couch, a bowl of Fruit Loops nestled in her legs. She turned on the television, flipping through channels with her left hand while eating with her right. "That's the one you got from your aunt, right?"

Genevieve nodded, "Yeah. I never got the chance to see her too often. She is always flying here or there for work, or pleasure."

Breanna sighed, "Oh, to be able to do that."

Genevieve smiled, "Someday."

Dawn gestured to the kitchen, "Make yourselves at home."

Genevieve got up, keeping her hand over her head so that her blood would return to her body. "You have juice, right?"

"Orange juice."


Dawn paused, leaning back and looking over the back of the couch, "I also have some protein shakes if you want something a little more substantial."

Breanna nodded at that suggestion, "You should have that."

Genevieve shrugged. It would likely be the most substantial meal she's had in a while. After being directed to the powder, she mixed herself a cup with some milk, and sat down to watch the talk show that Dawn left the TV on. "So, what do we do, today?"

It took a moment for Breanna to think of an answer, "Well, we can hang around here, for now, but I have to get home in a few hours. My parents need my help with work on the porch. And laundry."

Snickering, Genevieve took a sip of the shake, "Always laundry."

Dawn smiled, "Well, it was nice of you two to come up here to see me." She paused when Genevieve laid her head on her shoulder. "Better circumstances would have been nice, though."

Brandon was probably lucky that Dawn went to school at OSU. If she were down around the Cincinnati area, Dawn had made it pretty clear that if he hurt Genevieve, she would have no problems hurting him. "Yeah, circumstances will get better... it just takes time... and no more bodies of the male persuasion."

Neither of her friends seemed particularly keen on that decision. Dawn was the one who spoke up, though, "You'll find someone. Hell, I found someone, and I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with."

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