her story: a tempestuous night

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the voices.

they're everywhere.

the darkness.

it's everywhere.

the pain.

it hurts . . .

where am i?

oh, right.

i'm dead.

a tunnel.

light suddenly streams through a

dot in the distance.

like a tunnel.


it blinds me.

What is this?

but it gives me a feeling of

w a r m t h.

why do i feel so drawn to it?

i reach for it, vying for the

l i g h t.

vying for the hope in this Oblivion.

for i have died with regrets.

i have died not telling my

brother my feelings.

it was so sudden.

the organ music.

funeral music . . .

the audience.

my family and friends . . .

the coffin, shrouded in lavender.

lavender . . .

an elderly man standing at the podium.

my brother . . .


i see.

everything sounds tinny and

fuzzy around the edges.

like an old radio.

but i'm

y e a r n i n g

to hear his voice.

yearning to let it wash over me

in gentle waves.

but i know that that's impossible.

because i'm a prisoner of


and he's still roaming free within


yes, that's right.

i loved my brother.

and i still do.

even as a floating,


spirit of the dead.

it's wrong.

i know it's wrong.

but who can control Fate?

A Bewitching Sunset (Brother/Sister)Where stories live. Discover now