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hey, I just want to let some feelings out. feel free to skip this chapter, cause it's not going to be a happy one.

i have an interest in someone, but i am worried they will do something really bad because it has happened in the past and let's just say it took a very long time for me to pull myself together. i don't want it to happen again.

i have also been having a hard time with my sister. i won't go into detail as it's private, but let's just say she hasn't been herself. i haven't mentioned it to many people as they have their own problems and i only officially trust a few. so there's that.

this part isn't a big deal as much as the others and it's one of the main reasons i should sleep but i have a place for volunteering at this cafe / restaurant place and all the money goes to charity, i'm nervous because i am quite small and they're all taller than me. it starts from 11am - 2pm. i just hope i don't trip over or mess up something.

i don't really know what else to say as i have been blabbering but i feel kind of down in general right now and i'm not quite sure why but writing all this down makes me feel a bit better so that's something, i wish i could say all this in a pm to someone but i don't have the patience, i know publishing this means they can still read it but to me somehow it's different.

that's all i have for now as i'm getting tired fingers from typing, thank you for reading and i'm sorry for bringing slightly more personal stuff into this when originally i wasn't going to but oh well.

- @takahare
[ sparky ]

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