Pool Day

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*Your POV*

"Y/n are you ready yet? Seriously it's been like an hour. How long does it seriously take to get ready for the pool?" Your best friend Niall asked.

You rolled your eyes at him, as you stood in the bathroom applying the final touches of your makeup. You had always had a small crush on Niall, but you knew he had not felt the same, since he already had a girlfriend. You hated her, she had cheated on Niall countless times, but you knew Niall wouldn't believe you if you told him that. So, you were just his really close friend.

"I'm almost done Niall, relax," you responded, annoyed. You just wanted to look somewhat presentable since it was just going to be you and Niall today. You heard footsteps approaching the door of the bathroom. You turned around and saw Niall leaning against the door frame. He looked at you and sighed deeply.

"Why all the makeup, we are just going to the pool?" Niall asked.

"Because I don't want to look like a living zombie," you responded, sarcastically.

"Whatever you say y/n, but you're beautiful without it..." He said as he mumbled the last part. You felt a small blush rise to your cheek, and you felt like questioning about what he said. But, you knew it didn't mean anything, so you just dropped it.

"Alright let's get going now." You say as you walk past Niall and go to grab your bag containing sunscreen, sunglasses, and extra makeup. He runs up next to you and opens the door for you.

As you guys make your way to the pool, you happen to pass by none other than Niall's girlfriend. You continued walking ahead, as you figured that Niall would probably go over and kiss her. Ick. But, to your surprise, Niall continued walking with you, and did not even glance over at his girlfriend. You figured they were just in some dumb fight, and that they would be over it in a couple of hours, so you didn't question Niall. You two continued walking until you reached the pool. You put your bag down on the ground next to one of the chairs, and layed back in the chair.

"Uhm y/n what are you doing?" Niall questioned, looking at you with a confused expression.

"Sun bathing?" You responded, but it came out as more of a question.

"Aren't you going to come in the pool with me?" He asked.

"Uhm...maybe later.." You slowly said. The truth is recently you haven't been feeling comfortable with your body. You felt as though your stomach was too fat and you just didn't like how you looked. But obviously, Niall wouldn't understand this, so you couldn't tell him.

"Y/n, come on, I thought you loved to swim," he said. He walked over to you and picked you up. You squirmed in his arms. "Y/n seriously," he said again.

"No Niall, I don't want to be seen like this," you said back out of defeat.

"Seen like what? What are you even talking about?" He questioned, raising his eyes at you.

"Niall I just don't feel comfortable with my body," you said as you turned your head to look away from him. "That's all, now can you just please leave me alone. I'm not going to hold you back from swimming."

"Hey hey, come here," Niall said as he took you into his arms and gently cradled you there. You felt so safe and comfortable in his arms...but wait he has a girlfriend why is he doing this?

"Get off of me Niall, are you freaking kidding me? You have a girlfriend, you can't just hold random girls in your arms and act like that's okay." You responded, annoyed.

"What are you talking about y/n?"

"Your girlfriend? Are you stupid? The one you've been with for the past couple of weeks?" You responded.

"Y/n, I broke up with her weeks ago. Where have you been?" He said.

"You never told me that Niall." You said, feeling even more annoyed that he didn't tell you.

"Listen y/n. You were right about her. I could tell there was something about her that you didn't like the moment you met her. Obviously, I didn't realize it then, but you were right all along. She cheated on me so many times, and the day that I found her with another man in her apartment, I dumped her right away. And also, I was never even happy in that relationship to begin with. I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time, but now, I know exactly what it is. She was never the one I wanted to be with. That girl has been in front of me this entire time, and I've never even realized it. This girl is amazing, she's beautiful, hilarious, and always makes me happy no matter what we are doing. And I really think I'm falling for her." He rants.

With every word he said, your heart broke into tiny little pieces. He has no clue how much he's hurting you. But, you being the good friend you are, had to be supportive of your best friend.

"Wow she sounds great, who is she?" You asked.

"That's the funny thing. She's you." He said while a small, shy smile grew on his face. He came closer to you, and put his one hand around your waist. He brought the other up to your cheek and rested it there. He stared deep into your eyes and looked from your eyes to your lips. You both leaned in, and the second your lips touched, you felt a spark in your body, unlike anything before. It was an amazing first kiss, and you knew that Niall was more special than you ever thought. You two later pulled apart from the kiss, and Niall smirked at you. Seconds later, you were soaking wet. That little cheeky boy had pushed you in the pool.

"You're lucky I like you," you responded cheekily, as Niall jumped in the pool and pulled you under the water for another sweet kiss.

You knew from that moment on that this goofball was special, and that this relationship would be one to remember.


I hope you guys liked it! I've been having a bit of writer's block, so if you guys have any ideas for a new imagine, that would be sweet. Leave any ideas or requests in the comments! Thank you!

All the love,

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now