Change of mind

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After school I walked to the park to get some fresh air.

The breeze felt like a fan and the warmth was like the sun. The combination was amazing.

"Bzzzz!" My phone rang. It was my aunt Dana.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Saito dear, could you help me with a job?" She asked.

"What kinda job is it?" I questioned.

"It's a handyman job" She answered.

"Hmm...Sorry I have a concert to go to" I lied. I really hate her handyman jobs.

"What concert?" She asked. Why is she so in my business?

"'s Shiori's, yeah Shiori" I lied.

"Oh cool, could I come?" She asked.

"Sorry there's only two tickets and me and my friend are going" I stated, even though I was lying.

"Oh ok..Ok bye bunny" She said as she cut off the phone.

I felt guilty that she could have gone to the concert, because I wasn't going anyway and I lied to her on top of that. Well I might as well go the concert then.

I texted my friend.

To: Atashi

Could I still go to the concert?

From: Saito

I closed my cell phone and tilted my head forward, followed by a sigh. I hope I can still go.

I while I was waiting on decided to take a walk.

I walked down this path which was filled with cherry blossom trees and petals in the river beside the path.

I kneeled down and picked up a wet petal from the river stream. It smelled like a field filled with cherry blossom petals everywhere. It was so fascinating.

"Bing!" My phone binged.

I opened my cell phone to see a new message.

To: You

Sure it's at Xiu road, 132, Falcon building. Be there in five minutes.

From: Atashi

I texted back.

To: Atashi

Ok, be there in five.

From: Saito

Ok it's settled I'm going to the concert.

Sorry it's short, I'll try to make the next chapter soon. Please comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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