Chapter 5 Richpez

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What have I done, I wasant drunk, just a little buzzed. I knew perfectly well what I was doing, but I still did it. I kissed Joey, and this wasn't just a kiss it was almost a full on make out session. I ran out side, I was going to tell Joey how I really felt, but his car was already gone.

I walked back inside and went into Jamie's room.

"What's up butter cup?" She said, she obviously though I was drunk.

"Jamie I'm not drunk." I said in a stern voice. Jamie opened here eyes wide and ran over to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I did it, God what was I thinking."

"Lauren what happe-"

"I kissed him." I said cutting her off. Jamie just stared at me. The a smile grew across her face.

"So now Joey knows." She said clapping her hands.

"No he dosent, he thinks I am drunk."

"He thinks you won't remember it." Jamie said, I just nodded my head. "Well tell him you remember it."

"No. Never, look I'm just going to pretend that I don't."

"Lauren, but you two could both be happy."

"Joey dosent like me, he probably just kissed me back just just because."

"Wait he kissed you back." I nodded my head, Jamie looked at me then bit her lip and looked up.

"Jamie I'm going to go to bed." Jamie still not able to speak just nodded her head, and I left the room.

I went in my room and layed down. I wanted this night to be over.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. "Mummm Pancakes." I said to myself then jumped out of bed and went into the kitchen.

"Good morning, pancakes?" Jamie said putting some on a plate.

"Duh." I took the plate and drowned them in syrup.

"Lauren I want us to talk about last night." Jamie said sitting down with her plate.

"Jamie, I just needed to know if something was there." I said then stuffing my face.

"Well was there?"

"No." I lied. Jamie just gave me a look like she didn't believe me.

"Well he thinks you don't know about it."

"And it will stay that way." I said. I had finished my pancakes. I needed to clear my head, I needed to go to the Dreamland.


Lauren left and I eminently pulled out my phone and called Darren.

"Please pick up, please." I said as the phone just rang.

"Hey Jamie, I'm really busy, but talk to me what's up." He said finally picking up the phone.

"They kissed." I said. Darren began coughing.

"What?!" He choked out.

"But here is the problem Joey thinks Lauren was drunk, and she wants it to stay that way."

"What why?"

"Because she felt something and she is denying it." I could hear people yelling at darren on the other end.

"Look, I've got to go, oh I'm gonna kill both of them, bye Jamie."

"Okay bye Darren." Then I hung up the phone. Lauren is going to be the death of me.


I sat in my room all day ignoring everyone. I ignored Jamie's dozens of calls. I took advantage of her when her guard was down. I was a horrible person. I needed to clear my head, I needed to go to the Dreamland.

Ever since Lauren showed the Dreamland to me I keep going back and clearing my head. So I got up and left. I knew the drive like the back of my hand, except Lauren would go in the back way, and I went through the normal way. I parked my car out front and began walking around. I could here someone crying. I walked up to the noise. It was Lauren sat up aginst the office building crying.

"Joey!" She said and then stood straight up, wiping her face.

"Lo' what's wrong." I asked.

"I um, uh Vencent was uh cheating on me." She said.

"Awe Lo' I'm sorry. You know whenever I turn into an phsyco murder, he is the first one on my list of people to kill."

Lauren just stared laughing. She smiled and looked up at me.

"Now there is that smile I know and love." I said, thinking if I came in to strong.

"Thank you Joey." She said then hugged me, I hugged her back. "So what exactly are you doing here?"

"Oh I just wanted to get out."

"But why come here." She asked. I wanted to tell her the truth, the truth that I came here because this is where she brought me, but I couldn't. I said I was fighting for her, but I'm just scared to loose her.

"Uh I came because it's secluded, I thought I would be alone. You know just to think." I said.

"Oh well I can leave if you want."

"No, don't leave."

"Okay, well I can show you this dead rat the size of a chihuahua."

"Tempting tempting, but I think I'll pass." I told her, witch made her giggle. Then Laurens phone started to ring. "Hello."

"Mer' I was going to tell you."

"God I can't tell Jamie anything with out her blabbing."

"Okay okay I'll meet you there." Lauren said then hung up her phone. "I've got to go meet Meridith, I'll see you later Joey." She said then walked off. I stayed at the Dreamland just a little longer, just looking at stuff, then I decided to leave.


I sat at Starbucks waiting for Meridith to show up. I started scrolling through Twitter, nothing on there, then on Instagram. I stopped at a photo of Meridiths  it was a picture of her and Brian and  below it it said.
So glad I took a chance with my best friend, best decision of my life.

The comments were full of people saying, awe 2 cute together but one comment stuck out to me. Where is #ritchpez?

"Richpez?" I asked myself. I taped on the hashtag  and it took me to thousands of photos of me and Joey together. Meridith came up and sat down.

"Did you and Jamie start this?" I asked shoving my phone at her.

"So you finally found out about Richpez, and no we did not start this, but we 100 percent support it." She said, I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Me and Brian have one, Beridith."

"Well that's diffrent you two are actually together." I said taking my phone back.

"Well you are here to tell me about that kiss, and why do you think everyone left so early, you were cuddled all up on Joey."

"I was what." Okay I didn't remember that.

"I thought you told Jamie you wernt drunk."

"I was buzzed, some parts are fuzzy some not."

"Oh well, why did you kiss him?" She asked.

"I wanted to see if there was a spark or anything." I said then taking a sip of my drink.

"Well was there?"

"No." I shot back.

"Sure." Meridith said and after that she didn't bring it back up, we spent the whole time talking about Orlando, and just gossiping.

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