Chapter 6 - 2nd Year

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James looked at the two sitting on the couch. Harry looked relaxed, yet you could see in his eyes the worry he had piled on his shoulders. Hermione was sitting next to him, his arm draped over her shoulders. She had her head resting on his shoulder. It showed just how close they were. Hermione was fussing with his hand. "Harry. Your hands getting worse. You need to get it looked at." She said looking up at him. James' head snapped up at this. He had been thinking about Harry's first year at Hogwarts. "What wrong with his hand?" He asked. Sirius had looked up to from where he lay on the couch, his feet on James' lap. "Umbridge. She gives him detentions for no particular reason. All he does is write lines but," Hermione paused, looking at Harry. He nodded letting it know that it was alright. "But with a special quill." She says. She shows James and Sirius, Harry's hand and their eyes burn with anger. "She making you use a Blood quill!" Sirius exclaimed shocked. I must not tell lies was carved into the back of Harry's left hand. Hermione looked scared. "A blood quill?" She said. "I've read about those. They're supposed to be extremely dangerous. How Umbridge got her hands on one is not imaginable." Hermione said. "And right you are. One kid was forced to use one at an extensive rate and he came back to the common room and passed out luckily there were people in the common room. Four of us managed to carry the kid to the hospital wing. Sent to St. Mungos. Died two weeks later." Sirius said. Harry now looked scared. "What am I going to do. I don't want to die!" He said. James shook his head. "We'll worry about that later son. Why don't we look at your second year." James said.

Harry nodded and raised his wand and extracted his second-year memories. He leaned in and was followed by Hermione, James and Sirius. The memory started with Harry sitting in his room, which was no out from under the stairs, talking to the snowy white owl sitting on his desk. "Hedwig, I can't let you out. You know I'm not allowed to." He said with a frown. He was reading a book on his bed, staying out of the Dursley's way. The doorbell rang and voices could be heard from downstairs. (Skip to later) They watched as Dobby, a very peculiar house-elf dropped a pudding tower on a woman's head. They then watched as Harry got in trouble for it and was then locked in his room. James flipped. "THEY LOCKED YOU IN THAT BLOODY ROOM AND STARVED YOU!" He yelled turning on Harry. "Dad..." Harry murmured, backing up, Hermione staying close to him. He had told Hermione what had happened the night before and on into the morning. She knew that he needed someone there to support him. James took a minute to calm down but his anger faded when a flying car appeared outside the barred window. "Wicked!" He and Sirius said together. Hermione rolled her eyes. They watched as Harry managed to escape and as Vernon fell out of the window trying to stop him. James had yelled at the memory Vernon very loudly. Sirius had to hit him to make him shut up. They continued and the scene changed to Harry and Ron in the flying car on their way to Hogwarts. James and Sirius practically fell over laughing when the car crashes into the whomping willow. This time Hermione smacked the two over the head. Harry had to keep himself from laughing at this. James glowered at Snape when he confronted the two young boys.

They watched as the scene changes to the first attack. "But... That's only a myth. Some student pulling a prank." James said. Harry looked at him with a shake of his head. Then the duelling club. James and Sirius were both excited to see this. "I forgot that they had these when we were in Hogwarts!" Sirius said looking excited. His smile turned to a look of pure horror as Harry was forced to duel Malfoy. James was shocked when Harry spoke to the snake that Malfoy had conjured from his wand. followed by the second attack. "How are they not dead?!" Sirius exclaimed. "They've been petrified. Colin saw it threw his camera and Mrs Norris saw it in the puddle of water." Hermione said. "And honestly, don't you two read?" She asked with a smirk. Harry burst out laughing remembering that she had said that to him and Ron in their first year. Sirius and James looked confused when Harry burst out laughing at what Hermione had said. "What's so funny?" James asked looking at Harry. Harry looked up at his dad, his smile plastered across his face. "She said that to Ron and me in our first year." He said. James rolled his eyes ruffling Harry's hair again. Harry glared at James again pushing him away.

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