Chapter two

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As I'm walking to the vending machine my stomach growls rather loudly, I hope Oakley is almost done with his patient. I'm almost to the vending machines when I hear the nurses and the annoying voice I know as Lucy talking.

"Oh yes, he is all good to go, he seems to be very healthy and recovering well besides the memory loss." the blonde nurse says

"Okay, great! Well I just need to get his prescription and I can get back to work." She say with a little chuckle. "

As soon as I heard her coming this way I ran and hid behind the little cart in the hall. I sat down against the wall and thought about what just happened. Was Lucy going to tell me or was she going to just take him somewhere and not let me see him again? Lucy infuriated me and I could stand her. She was a physio path. I don't know what her problem is but harry was - is my boyfriend and she will not take him away from me.

I stood up and walked furiously back to the room I saw her walk out of. "Lucy can I please speak to you outside please."

"Sure" she rolling her eyes at me. We walked out into the hall. Once we had stepped into the hall it was like a switch had been flipped I was so angry with Lucy that I could rip her head off. She was messing with the love of my life and I couldn't stand what she was doing. She was brain washing him. Making him believe he was someone that he was not.

"Listen Lucy I'm tired of your bullshit. You either leave my fuckin' boyfriend and i alone or this is going to get real ugly, real fast."

"What do you mean 'your boyfriend'? Harry is with me, like he was before the accident." That was the last straw. I had lost my cool in that split second. I had pushed Lucy against the wall with my arm straining against her throat holding her head against the wall.

"Listen here bitch I don't know who you think you are but Harry is in love with me, not you. He does not realize it now but Harry was with me before the accident, you and I both know that. So how dare you come in here and try to convince a sick man that he was with someone he never love but simply used as a fukk buddy.

Lucy just started to laugh then she started to cry "Help, help please." Once I had realized what she was doing I was being escorted out by the guards. "I really am sorry I just lost my cool of a split second" I kept saying to the guards as they walked me to the front doors.

"Ma'am, since this is your first warming you have to stay away from the hospital for twenty four hours then you may visit again."

"I understand. Could you possibly tell my roommate that I will be waiting in the car for him?"

"Yes ma'am, what is his name."

"Oakley, floor 3"

I walked to my car, and got in. As I waited for Oakley I turned on the radio and started to cry. I don't really know why I was crying, crying wasn't going to bring back Harry's memory but it made me feel a little better. I can't believe Harry still doesn't remember me after six months he still doesn't know who I am. It kills me a little more each time I see him and he doesn't remember all the little things that had happened between us. The kisses, the fights, everything was just gone with a snap of finger, it was all gone.

Harry may never love me again and I think I was coming to peace with that. I think I was finally going to give up after six months of trying to convince him that he was in love me. Lucy had seemed to do a better job even though they were never in love. Or Harry said so at least. Lucy had seemed to convince everyone that they were the couple. They had been together before the accident and will be together after. I thought so long about how I could convince him it was me he chose it was always me he said, but I just couldn't think of anything. I showed him the little notes he left me and the scavenger hunt but he didn't remember. All he remembers is what Lucy had told him to remember.

There was a knock on the window and a quickly dried my tears. Oakley got in and grabbed my hand, we sat like this for a few moments before he asked what I was crying about.

"I think I'm going to stop trying with Harry I guess me and him can before friends or something but I can't keep fighting for something that he doesn't want. It's clear he wants Lucy, not me and if that's what he wants then I'm not going to be the one to get in the way of it."

"Alex, are you sure that's what you want to do?"

"No, but it's what needs to be done. I'm going to come back tomorrow and tell Lucy and Harry what I've decided to do?"

Oakley bring my hand up to his lips and kisses it softly whispering "I'm very proud of you." I nod my head at him gently and then remove my hand from his to start the car. I felt kind of awkward having him kiss my hand like that but I kept quiet. I back out of the parking spot we were in and head home.

Once Oakley and I get back home we change out of our work clothes then snuggle up on the couch and watch movies together. My head is laying on Oakley's thigh while he runs his fingers through my hair. As we are watching the movie I start to think jenny might be right? Oakley might be into me? Maybe I should give him a chance? Who knows maybe Oakley and I will be the thing Harry and I never got to be.

A/N: I know you guy probably hate me by now bc I'm the slowest updater ever but I love you guys so much and thank you for supporting me and my books. Kisses- R

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