Change of Plans

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*Your POV*

"So I'll pick you up at eight?" says your best friend Niall. He had just asked you earlier that day if you would go on a date with him tonight.

You and Niall were just close friends, and you were surprised when Niall had asked you if you wanted to go on a date with him. But he was so nervous asking and it was freaking adorable! There was no way you could turn him down, so you agreed.

"Yes, eight sounds perfect!" you said in response.

"I'll see you then, love," he said as he mumbled the last part. You blushed lightly as you hung up the phone. He was taking out for dinner, so you decided to just wear a cute, white skirt with a light pink top. You paired it with your white converse. Who cares if you were going out to dinner, comfort comes first!

By the time you just finished applying some light makeup, your doorbell rang. You quickly ran down the steps of your apartment and grabbed your purse. You opened the door to find Niall looking down at his feet. He quickly lifted his head and your eyes met his. You noticed a small blush rise to his cheeks.

"You," he stuttered as he looked at you. It was so strange seeing Niall this nervous, normally he was so outgoing! As much as you found it adorable of him, it was out of character for Niall. You also were surprised when he asked you to dinner, as you two didn't normally do "fancy restaurants". You preferred doing fun things together instead.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when Niall started lightly chuckling.

"What?" You asked as he continued to laugh.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks as you realize that you must've been staring at him that whole time. Mental face palm.

"Haha funny horan, now cmon let's get going," you say as you grab his arm and lead him to his car.

Just as you were about to open your door, Niall's hand gets there first and pulls open the door for you.

"For you m'lady," he jokes as you step into his car.

"Why thank you kind sir," you joke as you both laugh in unison.

You both were silent on the way to the restaurant, but then you heard a familiar tune on the radio. You turned up the radio as you belted the oh so familiar lyrics.


You both scream the lyrics to the song as loud as you both can. As the song finishes, Niall pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant. It looked very empty, and you were beginning to worry. Where are we?

You saw a look of worry on Niall's face as well. He told you he would be right back, so you nodded and watched him run to the entrance of the restaurant. You watched him attempt to open the door, but it seemed to be locked. He runs back to the car and seems very angry.

"I-I don't understand. I called 3 days ago for reservations to this place. I am so so sorry y/n. This is all my fault. Why do I have to be such a freaking screw up-"

"Hey hey calm down Niall it's okay. Stop it's not your fault and you're not a screw up. It's seriously fine," you interrupted.

"No I'm seriously so sorry, this is not how I wanted this to go."

"Niall it's fine, we can just head back to my house and watch a movie or something."

"No I'm going to make this up to you," he says quickly as he turns the car back on and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Niall where are we going?" You asked curiously.

"You'll see, it's a surprise" he said with a smirk on his face. Your curiously grew even more with his tiny gesture.

"Close your eyes," he said as you pulled up to a pretty deserted looking place. You did as you were told and he put his hands over your eyes just in case. You walked blindly for about 2 minutes until Niall spoke up again.

"Okay...I'm going to let you see now" he said.

As he lifted his soft hands from your eyes, your eyes met the beautiful view in front of you. Your mouth dropped, you couldn't believe it. Niall had brought you to the beach, and there was a picnic blanket along with a picnic basket sat in the sand. There were lights strung around an umbrella with two chairs with a fire pit sitting in the middle. It was truly breath-taking. You turned to look at Niall.

"Did you do this?" You asked.

He nodded, shyly, as a light pink blush rose to his cheeks.

"But how?" You asked him.

"I planned this all y/n. I wanted our first date to be more than just some dumb restaurant. I wanted it to be fun and unique. Everything that happened back at the restaurant was an act. I was just fooling you, this is our actual date. I-i hope you're not mad or anything-"

"I'm not mad at all! I'm just surprised that you would go through all of this effort for me.." You said as you stared at your feet. You felt him begin to walk closer to you, and he lifted your chin up with his thumb. Your eyes met with his own beautiful blue ones. You felt as though you could get lost in them forever...

"Listen y/n, I really really like you. I think I may actually be falling for you. I know you probably don't feel the same, but I can't keep hiding these feelings anymore. You're such a beautiful and lovely girl. You always manage to put a smile on my face no matter what. Your personality is amazing, and I just love being around you. You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever laid my eyes on. And I know you probably don't feel the same about me, and I'm really sorry for-"

Before he got the chance to continue, you leaned in and kissed him. It was a soft and sweet kiss. You swear you felt fireworks going off in your stomach, a feeling that you have never felt before with anyone. You felt him smile into the kiss, and shortly after you both pulled away.

"Niall, nobody has ever said such sweet things like that about me before. And you're wrong Niall, so wrong. I do like you, quite much actually, I just never realized these feelings because I thought you just liked me as a friend."

"You're too lovely of a girl to just like as a friend y/ that's why I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He nervously asked as he stared into your eyes.

"Of course Niall, I wouldn't have it any other way," you smiled at him. As you said this, he sent you the happiest smile you've ever seen on him before. He pulled you in for another sweet kiss, and you knew from that moment on that this relationship was different from all the others, and that it would be a long, beautiful part of your life.

Who knew that a change in plans could lead to such a lovely thing....


Thanks for reading guys! This is the first imagine I've ever written, and I know it's not the best. I promise you that they will get better! Leave any requests or ideas in the comments! Thankssss!

All the love,

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now